Dear Sister, I've Become A Blessed Maiden Read Online


Bokutachi Otokonoko

It's about two best friends, Tamio and Takashi. The development of a friendship to something more as they grow up. Living his life in rural Japan, Tamio is immediately intrigued by Takashi, the blond haired city boy who transfers into his elementary school. But Takashi is actually half Japanese, and despite his appearance he doesn't even know English and loves eating Japanese food even Tamio can't abide. Tamio and Takashi become friends, and despite his perplexity with Takashi's foreign appearance, Tamio quickly develops a strong attachment to the other boy. Tamio earnestly hopes that he and Takashi can stay friends forever. But Takashi remains dissatisfied with life out in the boonies, insisting that someday he's going to leave all this behind. Yet Tamio continues to hope and to do anything he can to ensure that Takashi will stay with him--or take him along--no matter where he goes in life, with an intense, endearing, wistful sincerity perhaps telling of sentiments more complicated than Tamio might think.

Sawattemo Ii Kana

After Shirou accidentally witnesses his older brother having sex with his best friend's brother, his world is turned upside down. Masami, on the other hand, seems to be taking this way too calmly while Shirou doesn't even know how to act around his friend anymore, but what goes on between their brothers shouldn't affect their friendship, right? -Baka-updates

Mahou Sensei Negima!

Negi Springfield, a 10-year old magician, aspires to eventually become a 'Magister Magi', a particular magician who, under the guise of operating under an NGO, utilizes his powers to help ordinary individuals. After graduating from the Merdiana Magic Academy in Wales, he could be delegated the job of teaching English at the middle-school, where his homeroom course consists of 31 daughters, each quite particular in her very own manner of Mahora Academy. The show details experiences and his time in Japan as he assists them in their troubles, attains approval and respect from his pupils, and confronts magic dangers from inside as well as outside Mahora Academy. Negi's main relationship is with Asuna Kagurazaka, room mate and his pupil, who dislikes him initially but after recognizes him as a friend and becomes his companion although all the women has her very own back story and character. He's also hunting for his dad who's called the Thousand Master. While initially seeming to be another romantic-comedy work featuring numerous bish?jo characters like Love Hina, the show, has advanced right into a mixture of sh?nen romance, fantasy, horror, action and comedy. Akamatsu said that he particularly wanted to do some thing 'different' from Love Hina. Negi himself is prepubescent, and several of his scenes with Asuna are unique variations of the 'awkward romantic scene' trend of harem manga, immediately defused and just played for laughs. Additionally, a lot of the girls are not unable to fawn over him in a childish sense with no expectations that are intimate in the reader [ study that is unique?] In maintaining this particular fashion, Negi himself is considered other typical male leads of manga as well as a comparison to Love Hina's Keitaro Urashima. He's hardworking, competent, and treated kindly, but due to his look and age (well below the majority of his pupils), he feels utterly non-threatening and finds it hard to be taken seriously as a teacher; several of his pupils handle him as a cunning little child, if not a playmate (or plaything)

Dear Sister, I've Become A Blessed Maiden

When a brother takes the place of his younger sister, he becomes a 'Blessed Maiden', charged with dispensing magic... with his body?! An otherworldly story of the relationship between an arrogant sorcerer and his (♂)'Blessed Maiden'.

54-40 or Fight

54-40 or Fight summary: 54-40 or Fight summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of 54-40 or Fight. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The History of Samuel Titmarsh, and The Great Hoggarty Diamond

The History of Samuel Titmarsh, and The Great Hoggarty Diamond summary: The History of Samuel Titmarsh, and The Great Hoggarty Diamond summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The History of Samuel Titmarsh, and The Great Hoggarty Diamond. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

David Lannarck, Midget

David Lannarck, Midget summary: David Lannarck, Midget summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of David Lannarck, Midget. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Search And Rescue: In Safe Hands

Search And Rescue: In Safe Hands summary: Search And Rescue: In Safe Hands summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Search And Rescue: In Safe Hands. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


类别古风 奇幻










简介感谢支持过我们的读者!感谢编辑一直以来的照顾!以及……忘记看到哪里的同学可以从头看了!欢迎加入讨论群: 196113220。


简介【每周六更新】“人造人”已经成为一项成熟技术,然而各国政府均颁布法令严禁生产“人造人”,但在有钱人的圈子里,仍有不少公司悄悄生产“人造人”,专供有钱人享用。 人造伴侣成时尚! 可是… …我的老婆好像是个残次品! 作者:禹禾 。 上线前三天,爆肝三连更,请多多关注!




















内容简介:【最火爆畅销书】一场车祸改变了我的屌丝人生。各种奇遇接连而来。考试满分,刮刮乐必中,篮球天才,游泳健将选一个?不,老子就是全能。QQ群:203799451【花都出品,必定精品。】1w1 306-26333 >>


内容简介:  郁郁不得志的房产新人陈晋得到了一款逆天APP!  “叮”发现新客户,需求:……  “叮”发现匹配房源……  从此游戏房产业,迎来人生巅峰?  “叮”积分不足,请尽快赚取积分!  陈 晋:“WTF?”  “叮”累计积分突破1000万,已开启下一阶段功能,建议购入土地自行开发!  PS:本书宜慢品细读。  -------------------------------------------------------  郑重声明:本书纯架空,所有出现的人名、地名、公司名等等,完全虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合!  1w0-366 >>


内容简介:一场渡假,被当小姐,回国还撞见未婚夫出轨。她怒然消失离开。五年后,她带着天才萌宝回归。小宝参加钢琴大赛,哪料到,儿子竟然还打着找老爸的算盘。“镜头往这边,把我拍帅一点!我叫唐宝,我的妈 咪叫唐思雨,超漂亮的哦!我今年四岁半,有长得像我,并且,有可能是我爹地的男人,请一定要联系我哦!”说完,还不忘朝镜头道,“爹地,等你哦!”后台,某女人已气疯。几天之后,神秘男人找上门,自称孩子父亲。唐思雨看着这个高大俊美,和儿子一个模子般的男人,她怒了。五年前把她强上的混蛋就是他?各位书友要是觉得《老婆大人要改嫁》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w2545-30547 >>


内容简介:请假一天,请假条不好用了文案:【v前随榜更,v后日更,更新时间1800,可能会有延迟】【入v,希望大家多多支持,不要养肥qwq】意外身死之后时听绑定了一个快穿系统,对方给她布置的任务是 在男主心中留下最深刻的印象,成为男主心底最不可忘却的那个人;完成任务后她可以积攒能量,死而复生。不过唯一比较棘手的是,每个小世界的男主已经有了女主,而女主便是男主心底当前最不可忘却的那个人。系统:你的任务是让男主记住你,记得死死的,深深地。时听:了解了。于是——①清冷孤傲小白花女主x白富美撒币姐姐第一个世界里男主和女主是青梅竹马,两人一起从农村考到城市,感情深厚,彼此扶持。系统:你得让男主耳目一新。于是时听开着跑车停在了男女主面前,一手拿着爱仕新款限量包包,一只手取下普达墨镜,笑容款款的看向女主,“我来资助你上完大学以及之后考研考博等等的费用,你离开他,跟着我好不好?”男主:脏话。系统:……不是这种耳目一新!!!②善良纯洁光明圣女x掌控阴影无所不能的黑暗神第二个世界里男主和女主因为身份的缘故,发乎情止于礼,虽然没有挑明心思,但二人已经认定了彼此便是相守一生的人。系统:你得让男主追随你。于是时听在夜晚降临圣殿,用阴影将金发圣洁的小圣女圈在怀里,一点点勾引着她暗堕,直至将她变成自己的所有物,让她成为黑暗神的圣女。男主:我必终其一生去消灭黑暗神!系统:……不是这种追随!!③矜贵优雅貌美假千金x绿茶小白花真千金第三个世界里男主是A城权势最大家族的家主,痴心女主,哪怕得知女主是假千金也要为她保驾护航。系统:你得让男主喜欢上你。于是时听被领回家以后,白天孤独胆小要姐姐陪着,晚上怕黑睡不着要姐姐陪着,洗澡时她紧紧贴在女主怀里,搂着她的腰:“姐姐,你不要扔下我……”哄得女主动了心。男主:?系统:是让男主动心不是女主!!!vb存梗于注:无论原男女主感情程度如何,但都没有【真正】在一起。下本预收《姐友我抢,姐友我做》球收藏呀,点进专栏下滑【百合】频道【文案】又名《抢了宋初霁所有男朋友之后的黎蔓只好把自己赔给她》漂亮无脑小蠢货女一x冷淡自持不举(??)黑天鹅黎蔓是一个漂亮小美人,沉鱼落雁,艳如桃李,就是脑子不怎么聪明,尤其在宋初霁的衬托下,显得她更加的只有美貌而无智商。黎蔓心底对宋初霁的羡慕随着日积月累的被对比,慢慢进化成了嫉恨。而这样的嫉恨在某一天黎蔓做了一个梦之后达到了顶峰。黎蔓梦到将来宋初霁继承了宋家,没有给她们母女留一分钱,一切都只是因为黎蔓母亲跟宋初霁父亲之间并没有法律承认的婚姻关系。一起相处那么多年,没有感情总也有情分,但是梦中的宋初霁只是在宋父死后,就一脸冷淡的把她们母女赶 >>


内容简介:准主神小可爱茶茶要去小世界历练了。大佬爸爸不放心,不仅改变了任务内容,还在历练的每一个世界都投射了自己的分身。再加上有系统小白叔叔的陪同。大家觉得自己的安排一定是万无一失。可是万万没想 到的是不知道出了什么意外,五个历练世界的爸爸们竟然全部都聚集在了一个世界!系统小白:“崽啊,大事不好!任务难度加大了!”茶茶:“可是小白叔叔,爸爸不是来帮我做任务的吗?”系统沉默:……我竟无言以对茶茶觉得自己说的很对。后来的后来……一号霸总爸爸:“茶茶跟我住。”二号医生爸爸:“先跟我去做个全身检查。”三号顶流爸爸:“茶茶跟爸爸一起去上节目好不好?”四号国师爸爸:“随我修身养性。”五号少将爸爸:“来跟着爸爸训练下身体。”茶茶欲哭无泪:“小白叔叔!爸爸太多了,茶茶已经顾不过来啦啦呜呜呜!”某只被防的严严实实的狼崽子:小可爱爸爸太多了对我也是一种伤害!1w0-77742 >>

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