Koma Hibiki Read Online


Chocolate Cosmos

[Summary By: Love_blossom] One look at Sakurai Sayuki and you would think she's glaring at you with her 'sharp eyes'. But looks are not always what they seem. Sayuki is actually a girl wanting to fall in love. If only people would just look at her in the inside instead of her looks. One day, her friends force her to come to the beach with them to pick up some hot guys. She meets a mysterious guy who not only is nice to her, but has good looks! All she knows is that he goes to her high school and he smells faintly of chocolate. Can she find him? And what if, he's closer to her than it seems.....? From Baka-Updates: Sakurai Sayuki was born with sharp eyes that make her look like she's always angry, even though she's not. Because of her looks, students around her misunderstand her as a bully and scary girl when in fact she's 'a romantic'. After 15 years without a boyfriend, she started off her high school year with hopes of love...

Fruits Basket

When high school pupil Tohru Honda's mom dies in an automobile crash on her way to perform in the parking-lot, she determines to live together with her grandpa. Restoration on unkind and un-supportive relatives and your house induce her to move from her grandpa's house briefly and, Tohru starts living in a tent and supporting herself because she's no where else to go. In other words, till she finds a house in the least likely of places, inhabited his cousin Shigure and by her well-liked classmate Yuki Sohma. The very first day Tohru goes into the Sohma residence, an orange-haired teen crashes throughout the roofing of her bedroom that is new and begins assaulting Yuki. This starter is Shigure's sharply mad cousin, Yuki and Kyo. He attempts to battle him again once Kyo loses rapidly to Yuki. When he is around to assault, Tohru attempts to prevent him, but slips on a clothes, making her fall onto the again of Kyo. At these times, something huge is discovered by Tohru about the Sohmas. The Sohmas reside using a hex. Twelve family members (excluding Kyo, who's the cat) are possessed by spirits of the Chinese zodiac and turn into their zodiac creature when they're poor, under pressure, obstructed, or when embraced by someone of the other gender. When Tohru finds the Sohmas' secret, is permitted to keep dwelling together and she promises to not tell. Even though the Sohmas' curse is darker and deeper than Tohru understood, her endorsement of them and her existence shortly becomes a big, positive influence on those possessed by the zodiac. She sets out to break the hex and, on the way, meets and finds the Sohma spirits that are zodiac. Each has a style that is different, the same as the creatures in the Chinese zodiac. One by one, the lives of the Sohma family alters eternally.

Jade Pill [Yu Dan]

The practitioner's Dan energy originates from the moon sun and five elements, the body has five elements, since all living things have the five elements, regarding the issue if humans can train the Dan, there are two main views: one party believes using people will result in many difficulties, thus they only use the elemental energy from external sources, they are called true practitioners, the other party believes the body is the supreme thing under the heavens, in order to increase their strength exponentially, they use other people, they are called nefarious practitioners. True practitioners and nefarious practitioners' battle, is now unfolding!!! - Gamernissem

Koma Hibiki

With the passing of the her grandfather the Eisei Meijin whom she’d spend most of her childhood together, Ayumi lost sight of her goal. On the other side, Erika who’s aiming to become a pro at Shogi to pay the dept her father left with them after running away. Right after entering high school the two meet at the on thing they shared in common, the Shogi Club. Find out how their story unfolds as they go through life centered around Shogi!

Touch Of Enchantment

Touch Of Enchantment summary: Touch Of Enchantment summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Touch Of Enchantment. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Story of a Lamb on Wheels

The Story of a Lamb on Wheels summary: The Story of a Lamb on Wheels summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Story of a Lamb on Wheels. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Supply and Demand

Supply and Demand summary: Supply and Demand summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Supply and Demand. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Within Prison Walls

Within Prison Walls summary: Within Prison Walls summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Within Prison Walls. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.










简介#古风##高甜#每周六、周日更新男扮女装的子乐化身舞姬靠近荒淫无度的当朝丞相左熠城,却不料被其识破真身,反压在床!子乐咆哮:ヽ(‘⌒´メ)ノ从我身上下去!左熠城:(◍´꒳`◍)那你上来吧~~~子乐:(╬ ̄皿 ̄)=○#( ̄#)3 ̄)滚!@重庆缘漫动漫












昭和初期的东京·银座,随着西方文化的涌入,周遭景色每天都在发生变化。作为日本第一个女侦探的星野美津子,每天都过着忙碌的日子。 这是个对职业女性依旧存在偏见的时代,但在咖啡店工作的帅哥大学生吉田朔向却毫无芥蒂向美津子提出了委托。想找到大雨天在店前捡到的高跟鞋的主人……。 变性人、夫妇隔阂、名人之死[+展开]死——这是献给所有在生活中遇到困难之人的昭和推理温馨剧[-折叠]










内容简介:婚后夫人宠上天全文免费阅读全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《婚后夫人宠上天全文免费阅读》叶楠浔周斯年著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读婚后夫人宠上天 全文免费阅读全文内容。1w0-34541 >>




内容简介:晚九点日更【预收《虫族之宠坏》,文案放下面啦,求个收藏呀】浑浑噩噩千年的楚尧终是躲不过穿进小说世界打补丁的命运:听说任务简单,可是不做就死。楚尧觉得问题不大,不就是苟一苟么,他在行。结 果上来就捞着一个美貌多金的男朋友,他是不介意吃软饭的,但是楚尧不能让他的心肝宝贝没有安全感。“我获得荣光,本就为了你。”在总裁文里实力派影帝x多金总裁楚尧见色起意,主动端起软饭的碗,让多金总裁无路可走。在替身文里原富二代炮灰受变攻x惨兮兮替身冰山美人黑化受“给过你机会了,宝贝。做替身也情愿?”楚尧漫不经心,对着眼前身子发抖的冰山美人轻挑问道。“我愿意。”心中时刻萦绕着将你据为己有的想法,饮鸩止渴也在所不惜。在权谋文里驸马皇后攻x伪小公主后皇帝受“小公主,你跑什么?”楚尧拦腰一抱拥人入怀,笑问道。怀中帝王眼尾绯红嗓音发颤,色内厉荏叱骂他:“混账!”1、互宠!小甜饼!2、萌雷见文案,应该挺明显的,我太好这一口了!3、我是一只自割腿肉的咕咕精4、预收:《虫族之宠坏》号外号外!元帅家的完美雄虫娶那个毁容少将了!!!有名有姓的家族都对这个决定嗤之以鼻。匿名论坛A:谁不知道是因为元帅不行了,要留住点底牌保护雄子,才给两人定了亲。匿名论坛B:呵,这也就是找了个保镖,不然谁会看上那个丑八怪啊。……就连苏御自己都觉得是这样,面对完美雄子宋安阳的时候,头都抬不起来,只把炽热的目光盯住他的双脚。想着只要雄子愿意,他愿意匍匐在地上亲吻他。宋安阳无奈极了,打小儿守到大的媳妇儿不仅他一觉醒来毁了容,连性格都卑微起来!不行,我要把他宠坏!可爱的基友友的文文《那些种田打脸的日子[快穿]》by漫天星子《小酒精[快穿]》by漫天星子文案:懵里懵懂小酒精受VS偏执深情美强惨攻肖酒是个酒精,不是消毒酒精,而是字面意思,酒成的小妖精。不料刚成精,就天降一系统把他给绑定了,积分要攒满才能回家。而积分需要帮助冤死的人,为他们改变悲惨命运才能获得。为了回家,肖酒吭哧吭哧努力干活攒积分。他不知道悲惨命运到底多悲惨,所以得知任务目标原本的命运线后——肖酒:QAQ,他好可怜系统:没错,所以你要帮助他,保护他,努力改变他原本的命运。肖酒:我会的!(握拳)不久之后——任务目标:酒酒,让我抱抱好不好肖酒(小迟疑):好…好的吧任务目标:酒酒,让我亲亲好不好肖酒(脸红红):好…好的呢任务目标:酒酒,留下来,不要走好不好肖酒(晕乎乎):好…好的呀系统:总感觉哪里怪怪的,哪里不对……懵里懵懂小酒精受VS偏执深情美强惨攻大概会有的世界(后面的顺序不一定,想到再加):第一个世界,惨死校霸的小啤酒第二个世界,战死王爷的小烈酒第三个世界,横 >>


内容简介:  少年坐椅,面朝大海。  持一缕灵气,遥指这个波澜壮阔的世界。  哪里不对点哪里。  ……  有人曾一刀成绝响,斩巨龙,沐龙血。  有人曾喜欢请喝鸡汤,后院豢养九只凤凰。  有人曾枯 坐山巅,口若悬河,一气压得百万军。  有人曾落笔搬山移岳,绘一副锦绣画卷,可困仙神。  而那年,春暖花开。  他们不过是平凡无奇的杀猪匠,臭书生,养鸡人,穷画师。  这是一个将低武大陆改造成超玄幻大世界的故事。  PS:已有600万字完本万订《异世界的美食家》,300万字精品《造梦天师》,可入坑~1w0-203 >>




内容简介:我是首富失踪多年的亲女儿简介:秦淮旭是豪门秦家唯一的继承人,季星摇只是一个身世凄凉的孤儿秦淮旭和季星摇刚在一起的时候,整个豪门圈都觉得秦大少爷只是玩玩而已。所以当三年后的订婚宴上,秦淮 旭抛弃季星摇去追他白月光前女友周继月,也没有人觉得意外。白月光什么身份?赵家千金,还是首富干女儿,出身高贵,与季星摇这个玩物,云泥之别。聪明人都知道该选谁。秦少爷和周小姐的爱情轰轰烈烈的开始了,没有人再去关注那个可怜的替身怎么消失,究竟又去了哪里。——几个月后,秦淮旭与白月光闹翻,想起季星摇的好1w0-81798 >>

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