Kimi Koso Boku No Koimonogatari Read Online


Mousou Cherry

From Girls' Generation Scanlations: 1) Kitagawa gets confessed to by the popular, Yamamoto. Taking advantage of the situation, he accepts and they start going out. But, Kitagawa has a secret that he would die before letting Yamamoto know about... Can their relationship work out, or will the secret be exposed?! 2-3) Keisuke have been friends with Atsushi, the ace of the baseball team, since middle school. One night, like any other usual one, Keisuke crashes at Atsushi's place after gaming away, only to wake up to Atsushi calling out his name while masturbating. 4) After catching himself staring at Suou's sleeping face, Ayumu noticed his more-than-friends-feelings for Suou. Knowing that this love would be fruitless, Ayumu resigns to his fate and begins to avoid his friend... which doesn't exactly sit well with the person in question. 5) No one else offered to help him besides the president of Student Council, Nishida. That's why Kazuya couldn't help but fall in love with the gentle and princely Nishida. However, his meek nature makes talking, let alone confessing, to the object of his affections all the more difficult. So he seeks Nishida's scary second-in-command Tamaki for assistance. Extra) Kitagawa and Yamamoto picks up from where they last left off.

Hotel Harbour View

[From Manga-Sketchbook]: Female assassins mix sex and death in a pair of hard-boiled well-drawn film-noir stories of love and murder. From Baka-Updates: Two linked stories, both revolving around a deadly female assassin. In Hotel Harbour View, a Japanese expatriate in Hong Kong spends his time drinking whisky, photographing a high class prostitute and waiting for death at the hands of the assassin he knows is coming for him. In Brief Encounter, a notorious Parisian assassin is himself marked for assassination and his hunter is no stranger to him.

Koisuru Piano

Nakaba used to play piano with her friend Haru, and they both enjoyed playing a song composed by Chopin, which then became their little secret piece. When Haru transferred to another city, Nakaba decided to give up on piano because she thought that the notes were just some mere dots on the paper, and her teacher didn't allow her to freely express her feelings through her playing. Six years later, her childhood friend Haru comes back and moved to her school just to see her again. Despite knowing that Nakaba had stopped playing piano for years, he still wants to play their secret piece and practice in a duet wtih her. Unfortunately, as Nakaba realizes, it is not going to be like old times because Haru has changed and he doesn't seem so gentle like before. What will Nakaba do? Serialized in Ribon from 11/2004 to 1/2005, published into tankoubon by the same title with 3 other one-shots.

Kimi Koso Boku No Koimonogatari

From Aerandria Scans: Momoka is a newbie editor at a publishing house who cannot get out of the economical slump. As a last resort for saving the company, she decides to request a manuscript from Kirishima, who was once a very successful romance novelist. Momoka used to be his great fan, so she is overflowing with enthusiasm, but Kirishima rejects the proposal on the spot with the words 'I have absolutely no intention of writing another novel.' However, Momoka will not give up..!

Avenger: A Halflings Novel

Avenger: A Halflings Novel summary: Avenger: A Halflings Novel summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Avenger: A Halflings Novel. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Bones In The Belfry

Bones In The Belfry summary: Bones In The Belfry summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Bones In The Belfry. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Behemoth's Pet

Behemoth's Pet summary: The elf girl Aria is an adventurer. She has a lovely face that attracts almost everyone. Her breast is ripened to the point of almost exploding. And then being embraced between those breast was a little animal… His name was Tama. He looked like a cat at a glance but Aria and her surrounding companions failed to notice a fact. Tama was a human who had reincarnated and his true form was not that of an ordinary cat. Instead, he was a monster of the strongest cla.s.s, an extremely young Behemoth.

The Brigade Commander

The Brigade Commander summary: The Brigade Commander summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Brigade Commander. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.














类别漫改 恐怖 热血
















简介出生在一个Sworder世家,可是竟无法成为Sworder,这一直是纱西露的心结。但从不轻言放弃的她,决定苦练剑术,凭借自己出色的身手,像Sworder 一样行正义之事! 目前与Coser楚南飞合作,两人分别假扮Sworder 与刃灵,以伪•Sworder的身份活跃中,遭遇了强劲的对手和事件……


内容简介:正文完结!【下本预收《严禁崩人设091无限093》无限流,感兴趣的进专栏收藏一发丫!(文名可能改,文案在底下)】蓝央重生醒来,发现自己莫名被传成了江湖第一美人,武林盟主、魔道教主、朝中 小王爷一个个为他痴为他狂为他哐哐撞大墙。还有各种小画本,内容简直不,堪,入,目!最可怕的是——那小画本里的离奇情节,好似还都一本本成真了。啊啊啊啊!要死!蓝神医像被烫了手般,一下将那书册扔出老远。下一瞬,房门被吱呀推开,那摊开画页上露着八块腹肌人鱼线的男人一下跟本尊对上了脸。气势逼人的英俊男人危险眯起眼。蓝央:“……”我现在说自己并没有一个人躲在屋里看跟你的小X本你会信吗?君亿X蓝央轻松狗血小甜文(大概),1v1,HE,双向暗恋预收文文案全息时代来临,靠玩家生物能支撑的“全民C位”游戏横空出世,H站游戏区主播大佬沈雍乐转战全息第一天,就被刷上了热门。那个日天日地的乐神居然如此颜值逆天沸而话题本人的沈雍乐,此时已然拿到了第一张副本人设卡——“人物:星盗MB俱乐部火辣翘臀小骚受故事线归属:忒修斯之船”乐乐:所以现在是要开始骚了吗?“咳咳,”沈雍乐捏着嗓子试了试,尽力矫揉造作,“客官,一发入魂来嘛?”弹幕没想到他竟如此不清纯又做作,瞬间疯狂,666几乎盖脸。就听身侧一道冷淡男低音:“好,多少钱包你一晚?”沈雍乐:“???”乐乐惊悚回头,镜头里随之出现一张冷峻非常的脸。万千“性感主播,在线翻船”的弹幕中飘过一句惊悚尖叫:“等等,我瞎了吗?这野男人他是不是长得有点太像我男神爵爷了?”“前面的你没看错!不是像,这就是上周刚摘了全球猎鹰单兵训练赛第一的莫觉少校啊!”“可爵爷他……不是直的吗?!卧槽,这是什么按头人设!!”当晚,沈·绝世美人·凶残大佬·雍乐,就被顶上了C位榜榜首。微博屿汜yusi1w0-71832 >>


内容简介:韩沐她妈是杏花镇梨花村有名的一枝花,也是远近闻名的悍妇,她爹是高不可攀、英俊潇洒、谈吐不凡的下乡知青。后韩沐她妈见色起意,把她爹扒拉到自己怀里,才有了韩沐。村里人都可怜韩沐他爹倒了八辈 子霉才娶了这么一个能让小儿夜啼、混混转身就跑的悍妇。直到韩沐她爹考上了大学,村里人都可怜韩沐娘俩要被大学生抛弃,以后就是孤儿寡母了。人家在城里上大学,吃香喝辣,她们娘俩以后只能面朝黄土背朝天,收拾土旮旯…………后来他们一家三口收拾行李一起回了城。面对阴阳怪气的妯娌,韩沐她妈有拳头。面对一心强迫韩沐她爸原谅以往的叔叔,韩沐她爸自己会怪气阴阳,还有媳妇。面对会书法、会小提琴、会舞蹈的,有大量藏书享受的堂妹……韩沐看看她爹教的一手草书,她酸了……1w0-82675 >>


内容简介:支教回校的路上,我接连做了两场诡异的梦。村里的神婆却说,那不是梦,是鬼招魂。从此,我身边多了个时时想把我扑倒的帅气冥夫。我也踏上了不断遭遇灵异鬼怪的漫漫长路……新人开书,希望大家支持! 上架后,每天三章打底,每章两千字,合并为六千字的大章发布。当天累计打赏红酒10杯1更,当天累计巧克力5个1更。打赏水晶鞋1更,南瓜马车2更。钻石每满500加更。欢迎订阅和打赏,大家也不要忘记点右上角的“追书”哦有推荐票和钻石的话,也一起投给作者君吧,么么哒推荐好基友的文:半生荒唐半生你很好看的婚恋文,喜欢可以点进去收藏!么么哒!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《夜半阴婚》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w76954-84911 >>




内容简介:世子殿下对着名楼花魁霸王硬上弓?还令着另外一个娇俏的狐妖小姑娘整夜侯在楼外?如此厚颜无耻之人竟还是一个穿越者?究竟是世俗价值的扭曲,还是人文道德的沦丧?老大爷侧目蔑视,呸!以前被忽悠看 了些某明神女录,难受许久,所以准备自己来写一本解解毒。1w37188-97561 >>



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