God Tribe Read Online



Date Bashira is a series of stories about the Sengoku era in Japan. However, unlike most textbooks and historical mangas, Date Bashira does not focus on the Shogun or famous figures in history. Instead, it brings to light the untold stories of the things surrounding these famous figures. For example, one story tells about the role of how beautiful young men were always accompanying the shoguns into battle. As women were not allowed into a battle zone, the warlords would use these teenage boys to satisfy their sexual urges. A different chapter tells the history of the wives of the Shoguns and focuses on the female role in the Sengoku era. As young women were forced into arranged marriages, usually as peace offerings or spies, their husbands usually die in battle at a very early age, as it was the era of war. Date Bashira discusses the idea of remarriage for these women and if they were really in love or were playing the role of a wife. Date Bashira takes a different perspective at one of Japan’s most talked about era and even though it is informative, you never get the feeling of a lecture. The beautiful artwork, splash of comedy and the untold, yet interesting historical information really keeps the reader glued onto the pages. [vyc, mangahelpers]

Mizu No Yakata

This is the one shot of the movie that Sana and Naozumi starred in from Kodomo no Omocha. A 14 year old boy, after the loss of his parents, starts researching his older brother, who has mysteriously disappeared several years before. He finds him in a strange palace, with his two friends who had also disappeared. At first, the boy is happy, but then he discovers that something horrible has happened in that palace, and he might just become a victim too.


Eighteen pages of prettiness by the ever-yummy Yoshitoshi ABe.An original doujinshi.

God Tribe

A world where the twelve factions of god tribe fight and exist together in. The nature faction, Larte, who worked for the carnivorous faction and was abuse was an offering for the predators and saved by the hero, Tasire. Based on Tasire's words, Larte was an existence that was born once in a thousand years to fight against the predators and if fated to be the leader of the God-tribe'. After training with Tasire, he's now ready to start his revenge by turning the world upside down.

Charlie Scott

Charlie Scott summary: Charlie Scott summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Charlie Scott. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Galactic Garbage Station

Galactic Garbage Station summary: Su Jing, after the graduation, run up against the wall, discouraged, then he return to his home to adjust the mood. Then he discover that his own backyard had become the Galactic Garbage Station. Every day there are ma.s.sive trash appears, some are from Tomb of G.o.d, Battle Through the Heavens, Coiling Dragon, One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, X-Men, Captain America, Iron Man, and other novels, animes, and Marvel universes. As the garbage station owner, Su Jing has to process these trash duty. From the beginning, he thought it’s a hard and unprofitable task, afterwards, he discovered that’s his whole life found the most beautiful cushy job.

The Emigrant's Lost Son

The Emigrant's Lost Son summary: The Emigrant's Lost Son summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Emigrant's Lost Son. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Pampering My Cute Pet

Pampering My Cute Pet summary: There’s nothing that Yu Wan has in common with her new neighbor– whether it’s charisma, personality, or cooking skills– other than that they both own dogs. Their two cute pets get along well (a bit far too well) and start what seems like a shaky relationship between the two; however, Yu Wan has more important things to worry about. Her wildly popular novel is about to take off into a drama adaptation, but the handsome, mysterious, and callous neighbor- is the director?! [Reporter: I’ve heard that you really like raising pets, Director Shen. You have two of them, right? Shen Qingzhou (as he thinks of someone): I’d say three. ]


青梅竹马的四位男大生,以大阪为背景展开的日常生活! 看起来酷酷的但也有幼稚一面的恭平、天然呆软萌属性实际善于主动出击的泉、玩得很花不过对萌物和甜食没有抵抗力的千早、外表超甜妹内心大男子的誉——拥有反转魅力的四人,充满心动与搞笑的叽叽喳喳日常!


























简介世界因为宇宙风暴带来的暗物质开始出现一种流行病,暗病毒(Dark Virus),感染者会变的虚弱,甚至死亡,而且通过接触会传染给其他人,但是有一部分人通过DV病毒改变了身体机能,完全控制了病毒,拥有了超能力,故事是在在流行病出现的100年后——




内容简介:沈寂服役于海军陆战队里的虎狼之师,现蛟龙突击队队长。海上利剑,无坚不摧。此人手段狠厉,桀骜不驯,是三军之内出了名的狠角色。对于此等大佬中的大佬,小网红记者温舒唯默默评价:光辉伟大,不好 招惹,当敬而远之。谁知有一天,男人军装笔挺高大英俊,靠着军舰护栏冲她勾了勾手,“小温同志,来一下。”温舒唯走过去,态度非常端正:“沈队有事找我?请说。”沈寂微挑眉:“说什么?说我不找你的时候是憋着想你,找你的时候是发了疯地想你,说我快想死你了?”温舒唯:“……”1w0-4020 >>


内容简介:C大的人都知道,法语系韩江高冷话少脾气臭,铁石心肠不近女色,系里被他拒绝过的女生能凑两桌麻将。直到有一天,一群哥们亲眼看见他揪着一小姑娘衣服上的飘带不让走,懒散又无赖地问:“下次什么时 候来?”温颜六岁那年就被送到韩家寄养,没过多久,漂亮可人的小温颜就成了胡同里哥哥们的团宠,只有隔壁房间的韩江,整天对她板着一张臭脸。十六岁那年,温颜被邻居家的大哥哥表白,韩江在一旁冷笑:“挺好一个人,年纪轻轻就瞎了。”后来。温颜十八岁生日,韩江在楼下等了她一整晚,等到别的男人送她回家。彻底爆炸。他抓着她衣领把人狠狠怼在墙上,毫不犹豫亲下去。盖了章,韩江心满意足看着一脸懵逼的小姑娘,“怎么,很意外?”“……”您说呢,几分钟前,我还以为您要扑过来揍我。等你长大,真的好难。1w0-4024 >>


内容简介:  徽派皖韵与摩天大厦交相辉映,唐汉阙楼和机械科幻点缀其间。...............各种飞梭在城市里徜徉,无数修士在天空中翱翔,有似画中仙子,不染人间烟火的佳人,也有温润如玉,宛 若陌上公子的青俊。...............少年的传说才刚刚开始,我自天外而来,君临苍天万域。...............1w0-2947 >>


内容简介:吞噬星空同人后传,续写罗峰传奇。弑吴羽翼上为何有三道神血?星辰塔炼制时怎么会有一道金光飞入?超越神王的存在元又如何会失踪?虚拟宇宙这逆天秘术背后又有什么秘密?一系列吞噬星空留下的不解之 谜,《罗峰传奇》都将为您揭开!1w0-27520 >>




内容简介:  一代仙帝夏归玄与宿敌两败俱伤,在宇宙荒僻星球的地核之中闭关疗伤。星球环境逐步被他身上溢散的仙灵之气改造,成了灵气充沛的宜居星球。原生物开始化人修炼,发展出自己的文明。若干年后,来自 银河系的人类探险飞船来到此地。各级位面,不知名的强大生命开始瞄向这里。多方碰撞,英雄并起。地核中的夏归玄睁开了眼睛。——————PS:这是个很随性子的愉悦怪,以文明观测为主题。请不要用战神归来仙帝重生的打开方式,别再问为什么不杀人搜魂、不神念全知、不毁天灭地、不一章完本了。1w0-1506 >>

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