I Became A Top Actor Just By Reading Books Read Online


Omukae Desu

Madoka is a high school student who is recruited by Nabeshima — the guy in the bunny suit — to work for the GSG (Gokuraku So Gei, a transportation service to heaven). Nabeshima is just way too busy, and since Madoka seems to have the power to see lost souls, he's recruited to help lighten the workload. Madoka is given the job of transporting wandering souls to the afterlife — on motorcycle! But many of the dead are reluctant to leave this world, feeling they haven't accomplished everything they should have in their lives. Madoka must assist the deceased in performing tasks that will help them finally feel closure and make them willing to leave everything behind for good.

Bath Towel

Bath Towel is a quirky story about Izutsuya Anju, a self-proclaimed hedonist, and his friend/co-conspirator cameraman Monono Kejime. Together, they prostitute themselves and blackmail their way through the high school they still attend after failing to graduate three times. The latest victim is Koizumi Yuuji, younger brother of Jouji who has been in love with the mixed race Anju since elementary school. Both brothers become obsessed with the beautiful Anju, who will give his heart to no one because no man or woman can surpass Kaoru, the owner of his heart and apparently Anju’s ex-boyfriend. Despite this, he still gives his bodies to the brothers and looks on them as friends. Things really heat up when Anju’s apartment burns down, giving him only enough time to save a precious bath towel that belonged to his mother. But as Kaoru suddenly comes to town, a surprising truths is revealed that shocks everyone. Who is this mysterious Kaoru that Anju keeps talking about and why is the family resemblance to Anju so striking? (taken from Fushichou)

Shitsuji Hiiragi

The story is about a clan of butlers that server their masters generation after generation in 'special affairs' and not only in the house duties. - From Baka-Updates

I Became A Top Actor Just By Reading Books

Due to his lack of talent, Seong-hyeon gave up acting and became a writer. Seong-hyeon is a genius author with a natural talent for screenplays, but he still misses acting. Then one day, he got into a truck accident on set

Due West

Due West summary: Due West summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Due West. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Transfer Into NPC World

Transfer Into NPC World summary: In order to see the his beloved NPC smiled again , Shiki repeat the same quest and search for the blue flower petal until something unexpected happen.

I Am Really Not The Son of Providence

I Am Really Not The Son of Providence summary: After his transmigration to the cultivation world, Shen Tian discovers that he can see the fortuitous opportunities and their providence haloes of others.
In order to rub off some of the luck from these opportune characters, Shen Tian proactively gets close to them.

Eventually, everyone realizes that no matter who it was, as long as they hang out with Shen Tian, they will gain lots of fortuitous opportunities! And there’s no exception to this rule!
From then on, Shen Tian was labelled as the most popular lucky mascot in the cultivation world!
Fairy Qing Yue: “I once followed my Senior Brother to the Kunlun Secret Realm in the West, and obtained the Sun And Moon Orb!”
Princess Ling Long: “I once followed my Senior Brother to the Imperial Burial Valley in the Northern Sea, and both of us inherited skills from Emperor Dan!”
Immortal Phoenix Queen: “Haha, what a bunch of fledglings! Do you know how he got his Dragon-Phoenix Immortal Form?”

The Woman Beautiful

The Woman Beautiful summary: The Woman Beautiful summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Woman Beautiful. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


简介现代特工姬轩穿越到架空古代变成太子,却被送到别国作为人质。最怕麻烦的他,本以为穿越到古代,可以做个小透明,等待机会回到现代,却没想到惹来了三个大“麻烦”—— 同为质子却不可一世的秦国太子;温文尔雅的圣子;互看不顺眼的赵国太子。而随着与他们的接触,姬轩的真实身份也被揭晓…… 每周五更新!~


























类别都市 恋爱 霸总






内容简介:接档文《窃喜》《冬日晚安》求各位富婆预收一下~【今天她又在勾引我】心狠手辣大少爷×娇弱小可爱深城首富江家有小女,身娇体弱,貌美如花。圈子里适龄的公子哥都准备等她十八岁成年后,就上江家提 出联姻,将这朵娇花摘下。不曾想,她早已名花有主。江樱从十六岁开始,就知道自己有个远在北城的未婚夫,长相和家世俱佳,最重要的是性格温润儒雅,长辈们都对他赞不绝口。于是,从青春期开始,极少见人的江樱就对这个未婚夫充满憧憬,不知不觉,早已悄然心动。十八岁,林彻低调回深城。她按耐不住少女心思,偷偷溜到他的画展里想见他一面,不曾想,第一面竟是——他背对着她,坐在黑色沙发上,黑色衬衫冷漠禁欲,手指把玩着雪茄,手背上的纹身嚣张又刺眼,漠然地望着手下人动手收拾着盗画者。他毫无波动,只在停顿时,语气冰冷地提醒“继续。”江樱回来后,做了一晚上的噩梦,醒来以后决议要与这个冷面阎王解出婚约。晚宴上,江樱放弃了一直以来他喜欢的小白花装扮,将裙子改到大腿以上,穿着露背的小黑裙赴约,想惹他厌恶。林彻幽幽地望着她,目光有些玩世不恭,她表面风俗的笑,心里却忐忑至极。终于,他出声,看向侍者“我要一份樱桃肉。”樱桃肉色泽艳丽,香甜多汁。是林彻最喜欢的一道菜。不管是在床上还是床下。预收:《窃喜》斯文败类腹黑名导×单纯可爱美人【1】江柚凭借《金枝》一炮而红,成功斩下影后大奖的当晚,正准备向男神表白。还未到家门口,网上却疯传了一组她和名导沈冽在车内拥吻的照片,一时间“潜规则上位”五个字把她从云端打回谷底。江柚站在雨中,看着林冽的车从身边经过,车窗后的男人慢条斯理地擦着镜片,面无表情地抬起头,一语不发。那一瞬间,她就明白了一件事。被他看上的人,要捧还是要杀,全都在他的一念之间。她根本无从抵抗。江柚一直以为林冽是因为傅远才连带着厌恶自己。直到某天夜里,她打开他的房门,看到发着高烧的男人紧闭着眼,额前的短发被冷汗打湿,放弃了抵抗般的在呓语着她的小名。她惊住,眸光迟缓地落向他的手。已经快被她遗忘的一条红色发圈正静静地躺在他的手心上,伴随着声声妥协:“阿咛,不要离开我。”小剧场绯闻风波的一周后,江柚心理重建完毕再度露面,被各大娱记围堵,有胆大的直接问道:“听说江小姐你是靠潜规则才拿到角色上位的,此事是否属实?”向来柔弱示人的江柚摘下墨镜,语气随意道:“没错。”众人哗然,没想到她竟丝毫不收敛!她娇媚一笑,补充:“不过,是我潜的他。”世人皆以为是她高攀,却根本不知他才是这段关系中卑劣的窃取者。千方百计,悄然窃喜。微博:是废柴糕糕酱1w0-33592 >>


内容简介:【玄学选秀团宠】玄学大佬温婉,意外穿成娱乐圈黑红女星。为了混口饭吃,被迫参加选秀节目,靠着美丽清冷的外表火遍全网,谁成想内里却是沙雕喜剧人。出道夜,黑粉:温婉,你这个花瓶不配出道!温婉 挑了挑眉:是吗?我掐指一算,你印堂发黑,最近必有血光之灾。当晚黑粉就出了车祸,温婉神算子的名声传遍全网。风水大师哭着喊着要拜她为师,影后死活要认她当干妹妹。商业巨鳄捧着钞票跪着求她算风水。更没想到1w0-60839 >>


内容简介:苏好是南中公认的一姐,飞扬跋扈,八面威风。徐冽是南中出名的尖子生,端方自持,冰清玉洁。当问题少女喜欢上三好少年,大家都以为这是妖精勾引书生的故事。谁知有天,苏好被泼皮追得抱头鼠窜,蹲在 酒吧深巷哭着喊爸爸,“正好路过”的徐冽叹了口气,轻轻挽起衬衫袖口,三十秒撂翻了全场。从此南中流传开两个笑话:八面威风苏好、冰清玉洁徐冽。和一段艳闻:那晚徐冽救完人,好像把苏好扛回了家,还让她喊他爸爸?1w0-28237 >>


内容简介:海鲜大厨莫名其妙穿到了古代,说是出身贵族家大业大,家里最值钱的也就一头灰毛驴……苏誉无奈望天,为了养家糊口,只能重操旧业出去卖鱼,可皇家选妃不分男女,作为一个贵族破落户还必须得参加…… 论题:论表演杀鱼技能会不会被选中进宫皇帝陛下甩甩尾巴:“喵呜!”1w0-33299 >>


内容简介:楚殷殷嫁给容无崖冲喜之前,就知道他命不久矣。她打算凡事都顺着他,让他高兴过完最后的时间。他说一,她绝不说二,他让往东,她绝不往西。春朝会上,他问她会不会跳舞,她说,“略懂。”结果一舞惊 艳,扬名天下。秋日宴时,他问她会不会骑射,她还说,“略懂。”结果飒遍全场,勾魂摄魄。洞房花烛夜,他问她会不会男女之事,她羞红了脸不敢看他,“这个真不懂……”“没关系,本王略懂。”1w0-107142 >>

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