Mitsugetsukei Honey Read Online


Plastic Girl

From Rebellious Love: Endou Maya is a high school girl who has the looks of a model but always ends up getting nervous and making ugly faces in front of the camera. But whenever it's time to eat lunch at the modelling agency, she becomes lively again! That's because she gets to see Pierre, the lunchbox seller, who she's actually in love with! Will something happen between them? And what will Pierre think? From Intercross: Maya is a very beautiful high school girl who works for a modeling agency!! And the person she loves is... Pierre, a lunch box seller?! Who exactly is he actually? And what will come out of Maya's love?

Chameleon Jail

'Risk hunters' are professionals who handle jobs considered too tough for normal law enforcement, such as kidnappings, combating terrorism, and preventing murders. One man who stands above them all however is the legendary Chameleon Jail, who has the ability to manipulate his 'kara' or internal human body energy in order to physically change his appearance into that of any other person. Throughout the series, he pursues several assignments on behalf of various clients given to him by Shall, a woman who runs a detective agency in New York City. All difficult, the successful completion of these assignments hinges on Jail's ability to change his appearance when the time is right.

The top, a talented author doomed to be single forever and an expert in the arts of switching between personalities x the bottom, an inspiring actor with a hint of crackbrained-ness amidst his handsome look. Gu Lizhou, a legendary author with works renowned all across the country, got set up and ended up becoming the target of the entire internet's mockery. Zhong Weishi, a stuntman that has been making a living on the outskirts of the entertainment industry, acting roles like palace servants with less than ten seconds of total screen time. Due to an accident, the two met. The first time they saw each other, Zhong Weishi believed the other was a boytoy who lived off the providing of a wealthy older woman, while Gu Lizhou thought that Zhong Weishi was an escapee from the asylum. Essentially, there's a problem with his persona... After some time, Zhong Weishi, '... Then can you talk to me in the tone of the characters from your novel? I want the voice of the male protagonist who's overbearing but gentle, powerful, yet sweet!' Gu Lizhou, 'Then can you be as wild in person as you are on television?' Screen reader support enabled.

Mitsugetsukei Honey

(From In The Water): Who is this person that blankly states that he will have Takumi for 'takeout'?

A Clash Of Kings

A Clash Of Kings summary: A Clash Of Kings summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of A Clash Of Kings. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Shore

The Shore summary: The Shore summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Shore. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Darkwater summary: Darkwater summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Darkwater. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Mysterious Heiress: Researcher In Disguise

The Mysterious Heiress: Researcher In Disguise summary: At long last, Fu Zhi, the mysterious heiress who had developed countless technologies was given two guardians by the country! Initially, the Lu Brothers shut her out when she joined the Lu Family. However, after spending some time with her, they began to warm up to her and took turns showing their brotherly love for her by throwing money at her.
Lu Yumo would say, “My sister just came from the countryside, so don’t scare her.”
Lu Yushen would say, “My sister is fragile, so don’t bully her.”
Lu Yubai would say, “My sister is not good at studying, so don’t laugh at her.”
Nevertheless, it soon became clear to them that the little girl from the countryside was not what they had imagined.
One day, a reporter took a photo of a professor carrying her purse and having a meal with her.
The professor said, “She is my teacher, and I’m her student.”
The crowd was surprised. “What?”
Another day, a different reporter snapped a photo of a business magnate serving her tea.
The business magnate said, “She is my boss, and I’m her employee.”
The crowd was shocked. “What?”
On a different day, a group of reporters spotted the biggest esports bigwig stepping down from his throne and helping her get rid of a sc.u.mbag.
The bigwig said, “Stop all this hara.s.sment and the rumors. She’s my sponsor.”
The netizens asked, “Just how many supporters do you have?
The country’s official portal responded, “We’re her strongest supporter.”
































内容简介:  吴云怎么也想不明白,为啥别人的穿越都很高大上,而自己却从乞丐开局?更可怕的是,找了好久都没发现金手指!直到……有个少了根手指的老叫花子硬要收他为徒。说跟了他,一巴掌能打出一条龙!简 略版:这是一个腹黑宅男,行走在诸天万界并成为最强枭雄的故事。开局:射雕!1w0-2389 >>


内容简介:高中时期,洛欢暗恋的那个少年,眉眼精致漂亮,性格孤僻冷淡,少有朋友,身上的校服总是一尘不染,洗得发白,清瘦的身上总带着大大小小的伤口。偏偏成绩却优秀的要命,是整个德川高中最特殊的存在。 没人知道他总是被打的半死,也没人知道,漆黑肮脏的小巷里,洛欢在每个晚上轻轻为他轻抚伤口。轻柔的呼吸拂过他身上的每一寸肌肤。某天,少年再也忍不住,捏着她的下巴,厉声警告她离他远点。那时的少女被按在墙上,眼睫轻眨,嘴角带着殷红的血迹,仰着脸冲他笑了笑,一双清澈水灵的眼眸却带着天然的无畏:“我不。”洛欢看着他冰山般的眉眼慢慢融化。可高二结束的那个夏天,他却毫无预兆地消失了。洛欢把所有的心动与歇斯底里都埋葬在了那个夏天。后来的洛欢,成为整个江北大学舞蹈系里最耀眼的小女神,在国际舞台上大放光彩,却因为单身至今被舍友们戏称为“小尼姑”。大三那年临近期末,院系联谊,不知情的副校长热情互相介绍:“这是A大医学系的江知寒,天联集团的大公子,你们互相认识一下。”短暂怔愣过后,洛欢落落大方地伸手,漂亮的眼底平静再无波澜:“你好。”江知寒却红了眼。当天晚上,洛欢就被喝得醉醺醺的少年堵在长廊。少年撇开一众人,眼底猩红,偏还动作小心翼翼地将她拥进怀里,声音微哑:“欢欢,不记得我了吗?”——*甜软小仙女x阴郁冷淡浑身是刺的少年*治愈小暖文*高中到大学再到成人1w0-4593 >>




内容简介:  破落的富二代,回到了高考结束的时候,再一次走到了命运的路口,BAT还只是萌芽,游戏行业还是荒漠,智能手机还只存在于电影之中,而这一切,都将因为陈楚而改变,这一世陈楚会走出一条截然不 同的路,他将成为时代的教父!1w0-1564 >>


内容简介:我是龙傲天他惨死的爹穿书是青衣杏林创作的经典的小说作品我是龙傲天他惨死的爹穿书小兵提供我是龙傲天他惨死的爹穿书最新章节全文免费阅读,我是龙傲天他惨死的爹穿书下载,我是龙傲天他惨死的爹穿 书全文字更新,我是龙傲天他惨死的爹穿书无弹窗!请关注我是龙傲天他惨死的爹穿书吧,本站最新最快更新我是龙傲天他惨死的爹穿书的最新章节。1w0-78661 >>


内容简介:人人都说,s大校草傅时寒,高冷矜贵,稳重自持,与女生说话从来不会超过三句只有霍烟知道,当年傅时寒是怎样搂着她,在自家门口的梧桐树下,贪婪地撕咬着她的唇,霍烟上气不接下气,低低哀求那几声 ,傅时寒的心脏都炸了。先天不足憨态可掬皮皮虾女主vs高冷矜贵占有欲强腹黑大魔王其实冷酷大魔王也有不为人知的小温柔霍烟五岁才开口讲话,即便长大了,也有些憨态笨拙,走路很慢1w0-65502 >>

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