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Ore No Kokan Wa Bishoujo Datta No Ka

A young man wakes up to a small surprise: He doesn't have his dick anymore!Follow Kosuga, a 2nd Year Highschool Student, as he lives his life with his dick who turns out to be a cute girl!

Sugar Sugar Rune

Best friends Chocolat and Vanilla are as different as night and day: Chocolat is a rowdy tomboy who always says what she thinks, while Vanilla is the quiet, shy daughter of the Queen of the Magic World! When, like their mothers before them, Chocolat and Vanilla are selected to be the rival Queen Candidates competing to become Queen of the Magic World, Chocolat and Vanilla don't let it strain their friendship, and vow to be best friends forever, no matter what. The competition works like this: Chocolat and Vanilla are to be sent to the Human World, where for the duration of their stay they will compete to see who can get the most human boys to fall in love with them and then steal their hearts using magic. The girls earn Ecure, the currency of the magic world, for each heart they collect, with each different color being worth a different amount. The witch with the most Ecure at the end wins! But to both Chocolat and Vanilla's surprise, the boys of the human world seem to fall for Vanilla almost instantly, while Chocolat is having a much harder time. Could it be that, unlike in the Magic World, girls like Vanilla -- quiet, shy, and cute -- are liked better than tomboys like Chocolat?! To make matters even worse for Chocolat, she finds herself strangely attracted to her new school's 'prince', the cool and mysterious Pierre. Unlike humans, witches have only one heart -- and if it is taken, they will die, meaning that Chocolat can't let herself fall in love. And though Chocolat and Vanilla promised to be friends forever, no matter who wins, they both wish to become Queen....

Yamamoto Zenjirou To Moushimasu

Hotate is a 10 year old girl who was living at her grandmother's house since her mother died. One day her grandmother tells Hotate that she can't care for her anymore because of her age and that she's going to have to live at her uncle's house. After moving to her uncle's house, she attends a new school, but things aren't easy because of her special ability to see the dead. Can she make friends with students in her new class? And what's the secret behind the bond between her and her uncle...?!


Is this a dream? Reality? Or maybe something else...? Every night, a mysterious man who styles himself Peter Pan sneaks up in Manami's room. He takes her with him to Neverland, an eerie place created out of human desire. Neither pain nor obligation exist in this place. A fairytale land of freedom, where people live governed only by their own instincts. There, all of reality's troubles and unpleasantness may be forgotten. However... being human may not be quite as bad as it sounds.

Submission to Divine Providence in the Death of Children

Submission to Divine Providence in the Death of Children summary: Submission to Divine Providence in the Death of Children summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Submission to Divine Providence in the Death of Children. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Buttercup Gold And Other Stories

Buttercup Gold And Other Stories summary: Buttercup Gold And Other Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Buttercup Gold And Other Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Motor Girls on Waters Blue

The Motor Girls on Waters Blue summary: The Motor Girls on Waters Blue summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Motor Girls on Waters Blue. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Hardy Boys - Cult Of Crime

Hardy Boys - Cult Of Crime summary: Hardy Boys - Cult Of Crime summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hardy Boys - Cult Of Crime. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.










'钟炼将实习记者何如送至废弃商场,调查异象,对方却误入鬼门,释放其中千年执念。幸而钟炼义弟谢皓及时赶来,并变身为无常幻装,暂时退敌。 为阻止敌人的巨大野心,钟炼需取得先人留下的馗甲幻装,并通过八方历练,使伏魔之力完全觉醒。 可是,在这场围绕着“执念”的骚动中,所有人又将何去何从……'






















内容简介:《玄学大师要联姻》在线做法求预收孟鱼放弃高薪工作,改行做了地府特办处的职员,兼职一家香火店。从此不但卖纸钱符咒拉高地府GDP,还得帮助各路鬼魂完成奇葩心愿,让他们心甘情愿去投胎。某日, 在地府进修土地神的外婆托梦,说给她定过娃娃亲……男主版文案:人帅多金的富三代蒋赫遵守祖父的意思,娶了个十平米香火店的店主。圈子里盛传那女人只会折纸钱,狐朋狗友天天赌他们什么时候会离婚。蒋赫:你们知道个P,昨晚亲眼看见那女人将无头鬼踹出门外。谁特么敢提离婚两个字……小剧场:倒霉鬼:中了彩票五千万,还没来得及花。孟鱼:我来替你花抠门富商:我的两百亿欧元,子孙谁也不能抢孟鱼:我来替你搞定造反王爷:我谋划一生,未当上皇帝孟鱼:哭了!换个理想行不行孟鱼表示,混个地府金饭碗太难了……一句话简介:地府黑科技,全球····求预收《玄学大师要联姻》····孤儿汤小鱼从小坎坷,吃了上顿没下顿,某天正在地里刨土豆时被天雷劈了一道,从此好像哪里变得不一样了。不仅算出邻居家的猫下几只崽,还能算出哪天下雨打雷。这天,汤小鱼从满地土豆子看出一副卦象:哟,亲生父母要来找她了!还是金光闪闪的大土豪!!!从此,身为金矿矿主唯一继承人的汤小鱼,人生开挂了……男主版文案:两大家族为了前途选择联姻,这在圈子里很常见,可是蒋家三公子蒋澈即将联姻的对象有些磕碜。发小甲:“听说是地里刨土豆子的土妞。”发小乙:“扯淡!明明是刨地瓜的土妞。”蒋澈生无可恋,他亲眼看到那土妞刨出来一撮花生,还说是什么上上卦……····推荐基友的文····《久违了,周同学》by四单铺男霸女强的爱情《我和女主杠上了》by般罗若在线pk绿茶女主《狐狸精养崽攻略》by空煜锦歪养崽子正当爹《鉴情师》by噗噗星这该死的真香定律!《一代名师【系统】》by木易少一横一个怕麻烦的老师得到系统后……····我的完结文····《半神她超刚超凶》女主硬核,在线成神《后宫职场升职记》女主后宫咸鱼翻身史《厉害了,朕的娘娘》后宫狡猾女官与腹黑皇帝的奋斗史《穿越之又一春》穿越女医生遇见如玉暖男《我家叫兽是狼变的》暖心高能的缉毒猎人1w0-29819 >>


内容简介:顾凭被抓了。陈晏三十万大军已经到了城下,攻城势在必得。叛贼把刀横在顾凭脖子上,城楼上的风把他的血都吹冷了。这人居然要拿他换秦王退兵。顾凭想,哪儿来的小道消息害死人。自己不过是秦王身边一 个微不足道的幕僚,哦对,因为他这张脸,害他还兼了个佞幸的身份。人传人,害死人,底层打工人也能传成心肝宠。陈晏是谁,掌权天下,冷酷无情,大盛朝凶名赫赫的战神。隔得远远的,顾凭看到陈晏举起了弓箭,他都没穿战甲,真1w0-97529 >>




内容简介:  普通人类罗彬瀚被外星飞船绑架了。这艘船上除了他之外的成员有修真大少爷,魅魔,人工智能,奥特曼和许愿机。罗彬瀚确信这个宇宙一定有点问题。————————本书的备用书名为:道士大战外星 人读者群号:729757274(寂静号跑路指南)————————有人找就说一下:虽然可能没人写(鉴于很冷门),但本书确实开放所有二创和同人权限,不用另外再问我了。1w0-3198 >>


内容简介:沈倾爱慕归程,她一直以为,他于她,是光明,是信仰,直到她死,她才明白,于她,他从来都只是地狱。那个,在无垠黑暗中,送给她一束光的男人,从来都不是他……重活一回,爱我的,我爱的,皆烟云。 其他类型类型的优秀作品真的很多,比较出彩的作品,我们可以一起来读读《爱你是人间妄想》这本吧。这是一本在年年要吃肉笔下洋洋洒洒的努力了多少个时日才完工的小说,你可以感觉到什么叫才华横溢、什么叫文笔流畅,作者灵感源源不绝,处处精彩不断。好书一本啊!洋洋洒洒的埋头疾书续写中收藏,关注,点赞必须的哟!小兵及时更新为您奉上最好的服务。年年要吃肉无抄袭纯原创力作之爱你是人间妄想最新章节、爱你是人间妄想无弹窗广告全文阅读连载、爱你是人间妄想TXT电子书下载最好的服务给最好的您。最好的阅读平台您我他她共同创!各位书友要是觉得《爱你是人间妄想》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!魁星阁《爱你是人间妄想》章节列表目录地址:请复制后分享给您的好友!好看的其他类型小说排行榜推荐1w0-74288 >>


内容简介:韩枫被黑袍人送到斗破苍穹世界。附身到斗破苍穹之中的反派“韩枫”身上。没有像原着一样杀掉药老韩枫会有怎样的经历?萧炎还会像原着那样崛起吗?一切的一切将会在《斗破苍穹之韩枫》中为你解答。各 位书友要是觉得《斗破之韩枫》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-93544 >>

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