Toukaidou Hisame Read Online


Feminine No San Shimai

Aesop's fable, 'The Ant and the Grasshopper' is reinvented in this short manga.

Deep Clear

From Evil Flowers: Honey Bitter meets Kodomo no Omocha. Shuri is a private detective with a special ability to read minds. She usually handles all sorts of cases, but this time she is faced with a rather unusual request. The famous actress Kurata Sana is going to play in a new film as a detective. She wants to be able to impersonate her character as best as possible so she asks Shuri if she can stick around to learn a few things that real detectives do and how they act. Despite this childish request, Shuri also recieves a more intimate request from Sana's manager, Sagami Rei, who wants to find out the reason why Sana and her husband, Hayama Akito, have decided to live separate one from another.

Sensei No Jijou

1) The Cause of my Teacher (Sensei no Jijou) A student who is fond of eye glasses tells his tender teacher of his feeling. The teacher kisses him but he is a little unsatisfied because the teacher takes the eye glasses off when they kiss 2) At the Guidance Room The hero, a strange student, loves a teacher, a blunder that students make light of. Bad students try to annoy the teacher by using a porn video but the teacher thinks the hero brought it 3) A Person, Held Captive The hero enters the company with his friend whom he has loved since his childhood. Knowing their supervisor aims at his friend, hero finally tie the friend up after an alcoholic party 4) The Reckelness of Youth (sequel to 'Shinobu Kokoro wa'). Hiiragi did not fully accept his orders, and acts separately from his chief, Asagi. He is thrown into jail 5) I'm Sorry, Young Master! The son of a lord, who feels his guard and martial arts teacher took a sexual joke too far, challenges him at his own peril 6) Child of the Palace in the Sea A scholar teacher of the Mountain palace country escorts back a spy boy of the Sea palace country (which dominates the Mountain palace country) who is bullied. The Cause of my Teacher (Sensei no Jijou) extra.

Toukaidou Hisame

Vowing never to separate from his childhood friend Hisame, Itsuki travels on the Tokaido with him in search of new adventures. Exterminating youkai along the way, they depend on each other to finish the job. What adventures lie in wait for our two protagonists?Sequel:> Toukaidou HISAME -Kagerou- ( )

Rebirth Of A Supermodel

Rebirth Of A Supermodel summary: In his past life, Ming Yu struggled in the European and United States fashion circles, eventually becoming the well deserved king of the catwalk. After dying from a serious illness and being reborn, Ming Yu was surprised to find: Huaxia stars shone brightly, there were successful names everywhere! In this better world, on a more vigorous and brilliant stage, the first supermodel tries to reproduce the glory of another world! Interviewer: May I ask Mr Xi, this year Ming Yu said he would surpa.s.s you. As the number one global supermodel, what is your opinion on this? Xi Ze: This is a bad question. My family has very strict rules. Home Owner Ming Yu: ……. The pair of black-hearted husbands will sweep the fashion industry, conquering the world.

Stranger's Handbook

Stranger's Handbook summary: The main character is suddenly summoned to another world…..and the one who shows up next is a malicious and scheming n.o.ble…..obey or die. I’ll try to rise in this world and live on by any means! It’s the story of such a hero.
Comedy and serious scenes? I’m the type that won’t let his guard down even when my magical powers are at a cheat level, I take my medicine while scheming wickedly.
Was I only scared of my surroundings in the beginning? Well, I’ll do my best to become an indispensable hero!

An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England

An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England summary: An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Junie B., First Grader_ Shipwrecked

Junie B., First Grader_ Shipwrecked summary: Junie B., First Grader_ Shipwrecked summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Junie B., First Grader_ Shipwrecked. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.





















简介想要咬色气的你漫画 ,憧憬之人、年上之人、这份爱恋是永恒之物——。这是浸染着鲜烈颜色只存在于“阴影中”与“年龄差”的纯爱故事。










内容简介:姜娆容渟笔趣阁,姜娆容渟sodu,姜娆容渟小说,姜娆容渟顶点,姜娆容渟姜娆,精选来自————我养成了未来残疾暴君天作之合甜文爽文成长生在声名煊赫的姜家,眉眼妩媚动人,姜娆天生有财有颜有 靠山,一生本该顺遂安逸,偏偏得罪了九皇子。九皇子双腿残疾,缠绵病榻多年,性格扭曲,众人眼中阴毒薄情的怪物。夺嫡成功后,将之前得罪过他的人通通收拾了个遍,手段狠戾绝情——包括姜娆。随父母出京云游时,梦里知晓了后事,姜娆怕的不行,只想远离那个荒唐暴虐的男人。谁料,寒冷冬日,依旧与他狭路相逢。日后冷血睥睨、位高权重的男人,如今只是个没长大的羸弱少年。衣衫单薄倒在漫天大雪里,长睫密闭,看上去可怜又乖巧。姜娆盯着他看了半天,在离开与留下之间迟疑不定。心思百转千回,最终还是在听到苍白着脸的少年隐忍痛苦的一声闷哼后,回头朝他伸出了手。容渟出生丧母,自小无人庇佑,在深宫内卑微苟活,受尽欺凌冷落。十三岁那年遭暗算重伤,被丢弃到乡下,自生自灭。就在他苟延残喘、即将饿死在大雪天里无人知时,面前却颤颤伸来一双小手。五指匀停,纤细白净。漫无边际的寂寥黑暗里,多了一个拉他出来的人。从此,她成了他心口滚烫的烙印,刻骨的执念,想抓住,想纠缠。从此,愿为她死,愿为她生。食用指南女主可爱治愈系,盛世美颜小天使男主偏执专情美强惨甜宠,治愈,双C,1V1,架空男主前期残疾,后期会好日更,晚上更新【接档文《这个狗皇帝我不要了》求预收】文案:作为名动京城的第一美人,骊歌拒绝了踏破门槛来求亲的每个人,只想报答小时候的恩人。谁知记忆中那个眉眼含笑的少年,如今却成长为了冷血自大、性情暴虐的男人、冷宫中被废的太子,娶她只为东山再起。骊歌收起了所有脾气,温柔顺从,七年以来,心甘情愿被他利用,只为捧热他的一颗心。却在他登基之后,听到他要选后的消息时,终于心灰意冷。断发离去,再不回头。……三个月后,却被猩红着眼的男人堵在了新家门口。九五至尊的男人不顾一身风尘仆仆,嗓子嘶哑地圈住了她的腰身,用前所未有过的卑微语气祈求,“跟我回去。”“我的皇后。”……人人都知,新帝是个只爱江山不爱美人的暴君。笑骊歌痴心妄想,赌上了所有,最后却落得个一无所有的下场。后来却亲眼看着向来喜怒不惊的年轻帝王,因为骊歌的离去,燥怒无常,几次陷入癫狂。别人只道骊歌离不开李玄,只有李玄知道——她才是他这辈子都离不开的药。可是……她不要他了。追妻火葬场,1V1,He,豪华火葬场,狗男人追妻的一百八十种姿势1w24042-108533 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《锦鲤王妃有空间》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读穿越后,苏锦璃发现她全家都是反派,未来将不得善终。父亲是野蛮侯爷,兄长是未来权臣,未婚夫是克妻亲王。她就更厉害了,嚣张跋扈,刚刚才打了 女主亲娘。苏锦璃默默检查了自己的空间和异能,决定干票大的。【甜宠】【苏爽】【种田】【美食】【经商】【神医】【基建】【打脸】1w0-33416 >>


内容简介:李林穿越到了瓦罗兰大陆的皮尔特沃夫,原本以为自己这辈子就这么碌碌无为的过去了,直至他成为吉拉曼恩家族的打工仔时,却发现自己竟然拥有【机械师】系统。在这个战乱纷争的魔法世界,深知符文之地 命运的李林并不满足于自行车、机械手表、发电机等已然给他带来名誉和数不清财富的小发明。为了应对符文之地未来的危机,他很清楚,自己必须做些什么!从简单的外骨骼动力装置开始,到“钢铁侠”般的全自动源计划装甲;从量产型的蒸汽机器人造起,到可以应对世界危机的战地与霸天系列机甲;通过研究星界魔法与符文魔法,他甚至发明出魔法与科技结合,足以称霸世界的王国机神!然而拥有了如此力量的李林,在联合各国组建英雄联盟的大会上,面对众多英雄时却表示:“我自始至终的愿望只有一个,那就是世界和平。”1w0-78110 >>


内容简介:  她可以陪着他从一介白衣到开国皇帝,虽然因此身死也算大义,足以被后世称赞。  可如果她不乐意了呢?只想带着惹祸的哥哥,小白花娘亲,口炮的父亲,做一回真正的麻烦精,胡天胡地活一辈子。   等等,那谁谁,你来凑什么热闹。  粉丝值2000+,或者全订教主任何一本书即可申请入v群,群号:5428140251w0-277 >>


内容简介:现代天才法医唐棠,穿成古代纨绔嫡小姐。原主人品恶劣,三观不正,树敌无数,还是个大花痴,没事,人品可以攒,三观可以扶,敌人可以除,至于那天下第一美王爷咱也没兴趣。披上咱的小马甲,一心一意 搞事业,验尸破案咱最行,一朝马甲掉了地,王妃从此靠破案,轰动全京城。天下第一美王爷:“本王女人,就是了不起。”唐棠:“你不去夺皇位,1w0-37483 >>



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