Aoi Kizu To Doku No Ringo To Read Online


Ookamitachi No Gohoubi

Sarashina Tsumugi is a new transfer student who is thrilled to finally be able to go to the school her mother graduated from. It's still summer break, but Tsumugi arrives at the school early for an assembly. Almost immediately after setting foot on campus, she encounters two guys and a girl arguing apparently fighting over a ring. The girl is trying to break up the argument, but her actions don’t help much. In the scuffle, the ring goes flying through the air and lands down Tsumugi’s uniform blouse! One of the guys pounces on Tsumugi, tearing her blouse open chasing after the ring! Shocked and horrified, Tsumugi slaps him, and desperately tries to covering herself. What is wrong with this school! Anger immediately sets in, and she yells at both guys, reprimanding them for their actions. Her anger is so fierce, that they immediately apologize. Tsumugi learns that these guys are cousins: Ibara Chitose and Ibara Hajime. Although Tsumugi has a bad impression of them, it turns out that Hajime and Chitose are extremely popular. They are even related to the school superintendent and currently serve as co-vice presidents of the student council! And whats this being super close? After the scene earlier she knows they are nothing but liars: they didn’t get along AT ALL! Now at the morning assembly she hears her name being called, whats this!? Ibara Chitose, looking rather smug, has just declared that Tsumugi is their endorsed candidate for the next Student Council President! What will become of her peaceful school life!?

Shachou To Watashi

from Blissful Sin: The president of my company caught me, Chisato, kissing another man somewhere. Luckily, my company ranking is so low he shouldn’t be able to recognize my face! I desperately tried to convince myself of that, but several days later, I was selected to be the president’s secretary. This is horrible, it seems like the president knows about my relationship with men!

Anthill Era

Consecutive wars of the 21st century have taken their toll on the world and humanity.A mercenary organization by the name of SHRIKE has mysteriously gotten hold of a device that produces infinite amounts of clean energy with seemingly no fuel needed.Along with it a new type of bio-armor never before seen in action.This new weapon is known as secto-armor and has become the terror of the battlefield. Using its endless power source and the secto-armor technology SHRIKE remains dominant over all military powers and refuses to give the device to the countries of the world less they apply it to more weaponry and annihilate what remains of the already torn earth. SHRIKE and the secto-armors now have to fend off wave after wave of attack from countries greedily wanting the device that could end the world.

Aoi Kizu To Doku No Ringo To

Aoi Kizu to Doku no Ringo to summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Aoi Kizu to Doku no Ringo to. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

World Record

World Record summary: Year 2140, the world is full of superpowers. Those who can create fire. Those who can create water. Those who use supernatural power. Those who use sorcery. And the only one without powers Originally, he should be weak. But somehow, he is—-considerably strong.

The Children of the King

The Children of the King summary: The Children of the King summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Children of the King. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Han Sisters

The Han Sisters summary: Three princesses from a fallen kingdom are sent off to become bridal tributes to the conquering kingdom. But these princesses aren 't your typical imperial personages.What secrets do these three princesses hold?'Many thanks, Your Majesty.', she said while bowing her head in reverence. 'As what was promised, we have indeed come here to Xin kingdom to fulfill a marriage match. This princess has...

The Pink Fairy Book

The Pink Fairy Book summary: The Pink Fairy Book summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Pink Fairy Book. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
































内容简介:萧维景与棠柚订婚四年,从未正眼看过自己这位未婚妻一眼。漂亮得一无是处,温柔得乏善可陈。直到正式退婚那日,明艳可人的棠柚出现在他面前。红裙雪肤乌发,倾倒众生。他才懂,什么叫做人间绝色。三 月后,萧维景在某个烂醉的夜后红着眼睛发消息给她——[柚柚,在做什么?]手机另一端,矜贵优雅的男人刚刚哄睡了疲倦的棠柚,懒懒散散,代她回复。[坐月子]-为了成功让萧维景退掉商业联姻,棠柚兢兢业业扮演四年多恶心死他不偿命的白莲花。恰逢萧维景的小叔叔萧则行归国暂居,而棠柚最怕的就是这位尊贵的大人物。无欲无求,严谨端正。眼睛似能看透所有伪装。无人知晓,萧则行最好三样——细腰、娇柔、小骄纵。不曾注意到他目光的棠柚,仍旧为退婚努力。扮演好花瓶,裙子束的腰肢盈盈不堪一握;装作小白花,温温柔柔来萧家刷长辈好感度;提高萧维景厌恶值,骄纵地“欺负”他心上人。直到某晚—男人坐在暗红色沙发上,手指苍白修长,亲自为她倒一盏温茶,声线温醇:“我想娶你。”1w0-4042 >>


内容简介:苏眠这辈子没有太大的梦想,只想躲在乡下种种田摘花,过闲云野鹤的日子,可偏偏她家老爷子不同意呀!硬是用尽手段将她招回城里,让她继承亿万家产,同时还给她塞了一个首富的儿子当未婚夫。由此苏眠 开启了,令人头大的打脸日常!16岁常青藤全优毕业打破最小年纪记录,妹妹叫她学渣?全球黑客精英组织首领,弟弟叫她网盲?十年蝉联股票投资榜第一记录的保持者,妈妈叫她赔钱货?五大财团掌权人求都求不来的投资顾问,爸爸1w18057-26712 >>


内容简介:重生前,云卿不顾一切嫁给少帅霍锦修,然而她被那个男人用最残忍的手段羞辱揉成了碎片,她才知道有怎样的刻骨铭心,就有怎样的刺骨剜肉。重生后,完璧之身的她不但怀孕了,身边还有身份神秘的保镖保 驾护航,眼里再也没有了他,更让人不可思议的是,她医术了得,身藏神秘空间和金手指。只是那个曾经半只眼睛都瞧不上她的少帅,一边自己打自己的脸,一边狂妄道,“云卿,狼的本性就是寻找适合他口味的羔羊做点心,而你就是那一味可口的点心。甘之如饴,至死不渝!”1w87305-96711 >>




内容简介:“陛下,你可知你为什么会被篡位灭国?因为你的男宠太多了。”夏九璃:“……滚!”月锦渊前世为了自己的好兄弟出生入死,最后却被一箭穿心而死。重生而来的他立誓要让那个叛徒一无所有,血债血偿。 咦好兄弟被换了芯子而且还是一个女人?顿时,他整个人都变得不好了,这个仇还要不要报?医术超然性格诡然的1w0-126589 >>


内容简介:墨白满级之后进入狐妖小红娘的世界,成为年幼时雅雅的守护灵,他表示很无奈。“放心去洗吧,我对小屁孩才没兴趣。”看着眼前像防狼一般防着自己的雅雅,墨白很平静的说道。雅雅:“就算我现在还是孩 子,可我还是会长大的啊!”墨白:“”本书关键词:其他类型爽文同人穿越《我是涂山雅雅的守护灵》小说推荐:终于嫁给岑先生、凤回巢、我家王妃会占卜、防弹BTSREsuming、朕的爪子一定要在上面gl快穿、嫡女重生:皇后很嚣张、1980开始做大亨、我,洪荒人道,开局阻止老子立教!、重生七五成长计划、主攻文一对一、跟大佬离婚后穿书、战锤巫师、神官的晋升之路gl、逆天双宝:神医娘亲美又飒、前方高能、绞刑师、金榜题名(科举)、我为你翻山越岭、我可以包养你吗?、晚辞、独有情钟【ABO】、妈咪又又又又跑啦、大隋之大暴君杨广、厉少余生请多关照、重生七零带萌娃、刺青、自从仙尊盯上我后、娱乐超级奶爸、次元幻想群、金主上位记1w0-99777 >>

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