Zetsubou No Hantou - Hyakunin No Brief Otoko To Hitori No Kaizou Gal Read Online



Katajikenai summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Katajikenai. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Samurai Deeper Kyo

At the dawn of the 17th century, at the end of the era of civil wars, in a world of chaos, the epic Battle of Sekigahara was joined. One man emerged from the largest battle ever fought on Japanese soil; a terrible warrior of unspeakable power, he was nicknamed 'the unconquerable.' Kyoshiro is a peaceful medicine peddler who harbors the soul of an assassin. He accompanies a young bounty hunter across Japan in search of a murderer and on a quest to discover the terrible secret of his own identity.

Necossas: Six

One night an android which looked like a cat (a Necossass: Six type) suddenly appears in Katsuhiko Katsu's room. The android said that she comes from the 22nd century and that Katsu had left a note in a time capsule stating that he wanted to live with a robot-cat.

Zetsubou No Hantou - Hyakunin No Brief Otoko To Hitori No Kaizou Gal

The story starts off on a deserted island with a woman shouting 'I ain't a chick!' while being chased by 100 male perverts in underwear!!! Then it cuts back several hours earlier and we get to see how 'she' got into this situation.

Children Of A Lesser God

Children Of A Lesser God summary: A giant tree popped up in the middle of the Atlantic ocean covering the world in a strange new radiation and because of it, people began to change.First, there are the Chosen. These super humans have only slight physical changes and yet can manifest incredible powers.Next, you have the Cursed. These humans have experienced large scale body changes which range from animal adaptations to simply...

My C.E.O Wife

My C.E.O Wife summary: Mercenary King Qin Chuan returns back to the city and is arranged by his finance to work as a security guard in the super department store. Accidentally he is drawn into the struggle with the department store. What is mine don’t touch, what is not mine you also put it down for me! After three years continues the legend of the security guard. Watch how the little security guard dominate the city~ Temporary every day 9-11pm, morning 9 evening 5, weekends midnight.

The Investigators

The Investigators summary: The Investigators summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Investigators. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Brian's Saga

Brian's Saga summary: Brian is on his way to Canada to visit his estranged father when the pilot of his small prop plane suffers a heart attack. Brian is forced to crash-land the plane in a lake--and finds himself stranded in the remote Canadian wilderness with only his clothing and the hatchet his mother gave him as a present before his departure. Brian had been distraught over his parents ' impending divorce and the secret he carries about his mother, but now he is truly desolate and alone. Exhausted, terrified, and hungry, Brian struggles to find food and make a shelter for himself. He has no special knowledge of the woods, and he must find a new kind of awareness and patience as he meets each day 's challenges. Is the water safe to drink? Are the berries he finds poisonous? Slowly, Brian learns to turn adversity to his advantage--an invading porcupine unexpectedly shows him how to make fire, a devastating tornado shows him how to retrieve supplies from the submerged airplane. Most of all, Brian leaves behind the self-pity he has felt about his predicament as he summons the courage to stay alive. A story of survival and of transformation, this riveting book has sparked many a reader 's interest in venturing into the wild.








同人志「猫与仆」一般杂志化!!!成为猫耳冷酷大小姐的仆从,不做些色色的侍奉吗? 男子高中生·真旅阳人是个从来没有与青梅竹马以外的女孩子说过话的阴暗男生。那样的他有了一个在意的对象。那个女孩子的名字是珠乃宫七穗。冷淡&不近人情的大小姐……但竟然天生就有一对猫耳!!?其真实身份是世上绝无仅有的,珍贵的天生就有猫耳的种族!!! 阳人虽然没被许可但仍然私自偷偷拍下七穗的照片,有一天竟然被










类别都市 恋爱 生活 少女 其他














内容简介:  穿书+宠宠宠  叶七七穿书了,穿成了暴君的亲闺女。  初见时,她才五岁,小小的身子跪于大殿中央,坐在皇位上一身龙袍的俊美男人眼神极淡的瞥了她一眼:“哪来的丑东西,给朕拖下去砍了。”   北冥君王夜姬尧,人称大暴君,性格暴虐,手段毒辣,狠起来连自己的亲女儿都砍。  叶七七不想刚穿过去就一命呜呼,于是乎心一横的誓要抱紧暴君父皇的大腿。  “父皇~抱抱。”  看着抱紧自己大腿的某只软团子,大暴君眼神微眯,觉得宫中养个这个小东西,似乎也不是不可以。  于是乎养着养着,竟让她成了北冥最受圣宠的七公主。  后来,七公主长大了,大暴君寻思着要给她寻个好夫婿。  可万万没有想到,自己养了十七年的亲闺女,竟然被某个狼子野心的敌国太子给惦记上了。  ——  西冥太子燕铖,年少时便被大暴君给灭了国,处心积虑伪装数十载,誓要取下大暴君夜姬尧的狗头。  可他千算万算没想到自己竟对仇人的女儿动了真心。  再后来,一身龙袍的燕铖将某个出落的亭亭玉立的少女堵住墙角,嘴角笑的邪肆:“七七呀,你逃什么?不是说最喜欢燕哥哥的嘛?”(软萌可甜腹黑小萝莉vs病娇心机阴暗少年)1w0-1869 >>




内容简介:一林莞十七岁那年,逃学被扔去罚站,脚步声逐渐走近。她抬头,商陆戴着学生会的袖标,面容沉静的走到她面前。“认错了吗?”“不认。”她冷笑一声。不过就是个来找茬的书呆子,真以为她会服软?二商 陆十七岁那年,是人人口中的尖子生,但只有他自己知道,他不是好学生。无人知道。每当那个少女对着他笑、叫他名字、在他旁边戏谑时,他会有股本书关键词:幻想奇缘强强情有独钟破镜重圆爽文《强势臣服》小说推荐:从林正英世界开始修道、梦幻西游:我能看见收益、盗墓:开局成为发丘天官、星际之亡灵帝国、混沌效应:撕裂末日、日常系影视世界、我的天赋是无敌、忍界神话:最强砂隐、神级插班生、茅山关门弟子、火影:开局掳走日向雏田、午夜女主播、锦衣娘子、秋以为期、糊你一脸白月光快穿、跨物种相亲、我的夫人竟是魔教教主、西游:从平乱花果山开始!、校花之贴身高手、小娇妻,你被捕了!、我!无双战将、那个被我活埋的人、神奇宝贝:牵绊智爷、真千金不干啦、无限之剧本杀、三界狂徒、娇生惯宠、跑男之最强高富帅、蝉动、Moba:刷到满级就上场1w0-82115 >>


内容简介:罗信是一个文质彬彬(无耻腹黑)、温柔儒雅(龌龊阴险)、怯弱胆小(无法无天)的人。被仨熊孩子尿醒,发现自己回到大唐贞观年间,虽然家徒四壁,却有一个娇柔温顺的小娘子等着他。且看罗信如何刚正 不阿(溜须拍马)、锄强扶弱(仗势欺人)、指点江山(拳打门阀,脚踩权贵),坐马车住豪宅,三妻四妾随我来……1w0-4184 >>


内容简介:星辰冲窍,月华养魂,阳火淬身,熔炼银河血,身成不灭恒星体!少年顾辰身怀天辰万象诀,在这天才如雨,强者如云的世界,以手中三十三重天秘术,登临绝巅!任你神道无双,武道绝顶,不敌我的霸道!1 w843-28004 >>


内容简介:《对象是种田文中的极品》为作者奉孝男神创作,作品对象是种田文中的极品章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供奉孝男神精心编写原创对象是种田文中的极品及无弹窗对象是种田文中的极品最新章节,对象是种 田文中的极品全文免费阅读。1w0-31545 >>

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