The Portrait Of The Ladies: Dream Of The Red Chamber - The Twelve Beauties Of Jinling Read Online


Ano Kado Wo Magatta Tokoro

Yuuya, a high school student, unexpectedly bumps into Kiriya-san while walking down the street and ends up saving the older man's life. The two are neither 'friends nor lovers,' but form a companionship in order to listen to each other's troubles. Will this friendship turn into love? (from Kawaisa) Yuuya, a high school student, unexpectedly bumps into Kiriya-san while walking down the street and ends up saving Kiriya's life. The two are neither “friends nor lovers,” but since then, they have formed a companionship in order to listen to each other’s troubles. So whenever one of them is sad, the other one will be there to give comfort. At first they were just bonded over their unhappiness but before they knew it they'd developed a physical relationship. But Kiriya-san thought Yuuya is a college student, 19 years old. And so, when he coincidentally had a part-time job as being the substitute teacher in Yuuya’s class… both of them created a distance with each other. This made Yuuya understand his real feelings for Kiriya. Will this friendship turn into love?

Traveling Girl

New freshman Maki is very excited to join the basketball team. While trying on new shoes she instanlty gets a crush on the sales boy. It turns out he is a second year on they boy's basketball team at her school. But what's this? The boys and girls basketball teams are at eachother's necks and no interelationships are allowed!! So what is sempai thinking when he suddenly declares he and Maki are dating in front of both teams? Who is the beautiful girl he seems to have broken up with? And what could they possibly have to do with this terrible rule?

Kaze No Yukue

Sequel to Memory of the Future (Mirai no Kioku) Kento is mild-mannered, straightforward and quite honestly, a bit boring. At 26 he's landed his first full-time position teaching at high school and does everything he can to make his grandparents, who took him in to raise after his parents' tragic death, proud of him. Unfortunately Kento is gay... and they ~don't~ approve. Enter Akira, a ticking-time bomb with a perpetual evil smirk, a ridiculously flamboyant wardrobe and a tendency to hit on anything that moves. Akira's everything Kento isn't... including drop-dead gorgeous and mindbendingly annoying. It's almost a miracle that the two of them have been dating for over a year!! But after all that time, Akira's still keeping some secrets... secrets that aren't going to reflect well on Kento's choice in a partner. Would Kento's grandparents ever survive the shock of their son dating the child of a sex-worker and an alien? Or will they, as Akira puts it, 'cough up their pacemakers'?! Does Kento care more about his family's opinion of him, or his high-maitanance lover's deep-seated social inferiority complex? An extremely sweet (and funny) story of two people who couldn't be more different, or more perfect for each other. (from doki doki)

The Portrait Of The Ladies: Dream Of The Red Chamber - The Twelve Beauties Of Jinling

Aka Red Treasure to be Found, which is actually inaccurate. Aka Hong lou jin chai Note: this compilation consists of illustrations of “The Twelve Beauties of Jinling” from the Chinese classic 'Dream of the Red Chamber' aka 'Hung Lou Meng or Hong Lou Meng'.

The Second Class Passenger

The Second Class Passenger summary: The Second Class Passenger summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Second Class Passenger. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Shakspere & Typography

Shakspere & Typography summary: Shakspere & Typography summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Shakspere & Typography. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

I Found A Planet

I Found A Planet summary: Through a mysterious portal, Chen Jin arrived at this strange place – a post-apocalyptic world where civilization had been destroyed. Consequently, he found – A piece of metal sc.r.a.p A robot trash collector A battleground A city A ton and more of gold A copy of high-tech doc.u.ments A&h.e.l.lip; In short, Chen Jin found a planet.

Early Western Travels, 1748-1846, Volume XII

Early Western Travels, 1748-1846, Volume XII summary: Early Western Travels, 1748-1846, Volume XII summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Early Western Travels, 1748-1846, Volume XII. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.













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黑鹰中队是 DC Comics 于 2011 年 9 月推出的月度系列。该系列与 DC 长期运行的黑鹰角色的前身没有直接关系。这部漫画的背景是现代,没有出现或提及以前的黑鹰,尽管有一个新的“黑鹰夫人”。这本漫画分享了在 闪点中设置的重启 DC 宇宙连续性的设置,并且是 DC 新 52 计划的一部分。




内容简介:  一朝穿越,惹上了京都最为纨绔之人。  各中酸爽……当真是一言难尽。    PS:不要问人家有多纨绔。  人家出身祖传三代正儿八经的纨绔世家!  有病,得治!1w0-683


内容简介:汇市一中的校级“风云人物”林初遇,转学到汇市三中的高三(10)班。开学第一天,她不仅惹了汇市三中跟她同级别的汇市三中同学们都惹不起的大佬,还打了隔壁班两个男同学,更遇上了初中时期跟她不 对付的老相识……从开学第一天,关于林初遇的传闻层出不穷,这些传闻到底是真是假,没有人知道……1w0-76342 >>


内容简介:  “陛下,管管你女婿韦憨子吧,他又要在东门外单挑那帮大臣!”一个大臣跑到甘露殿对着李世民喊道。“这个韦憨子,简直就是胡闹,传朕的口谕,不许在东门打架!”李世民一脸愤怒的喊道。···· ····“走,去西门,东门不能打!”韦浩在东门对着那些大臣们喊道。1w0-1696 >>


内容简介:“女人,招惹一次,负责到底!”一场意外,白汐汐沦为男人半年的女人。终于半年之期已到,白汐汐狂嗨庆祝:“我自由了!盛先生,再也不见!”某盛先生看着视频,怒火中烧。这女人不仅弄乱了他的身, 还乱了他的心,想就这么一走了之?没门!当夜,盛先生强势降临,踹门而入:“小鲜妻,以后天天见。”世人皆知,盛时年薄情冷血,手段残忍,却不知他也有过不去的情劫——白汐汐。1w0-67344 >>


内容简介:什么样的女人让纣王倾覆江山,世人又痴又恨呢?斩妖台上,妲己魂飞魄散之际,被系统选中为宿主,成为每个任务世界的坏女人。当妲己成为又美又毒的坏女人后,会为她们带来什么样的命运呢?爽文、打脸 、快穿、复仇,苏苏苏!爽爽爽!1w0-130376 >>


内容简介:【正文完】xA京城人尽皆知,瑾郡王有一位指腹为婚的未婚妻。不知样貌,不知才学,不知性情,自小在边关长大,还是出身半个武将世家。xAxA京城不少人对其私下诋毁,肯定貌丑无言,不知规矩,五 大三粗。xA直到身姿窈窕、面若芙蓉般秀美的沈精羽出现在众人的视线。xAxA身家优厚,父母宠爱,出息的兄长子侄,位高权重的未婚夫,而且,她还特别的好运气!xA啊,老天不公平!简直嫉妒到让人发指!xAxAxAxA沈精羽有一个秘密,那就是她有一身能够实现愿望的“法力”,只要她在四下无人时,将她的愿望反复说出,不用多久,她的愿望就会被实现。xAxA——让大哥的官途顺畅,顺利做到官职交接吧!xA然后大哥这个被算计接手的官职,就一路有惊无险,顺利做到交接。xAxA——让欺负侄女的渣男贱女都倒大霉吧!xA然后渣男贱女翻来覆去倒大霉,侄女顺利完成退婚。xAxA——让未婚夫不许再对我说谎话呀!xA然后她就被闻胤瑾压在花丛中,狠狠地听了他一顿真心剖白。xAxA沈精羽:……法力有时尽,尴尬时有无,她习惯就好。xAxAxAxA作为未婚妻的“法力”提供者,闻胤瑾兢兢业业完成着未婚妻的一切小愿望,执着并病态地收集着她的一切讯息,一切物品,一切喜好,坚持宠着她,惯着她,将她宠成心肝上的娇娇。xAxA直到:xA——让我未婚夫明晚洞房花烛夜时睡着吧,早睡早起好养生啊。xAxA闻胤瑾:……xA他缓缓眯起眼睛:这个愿望,恕他不能接受!xAxA病娇痴情·腹黑郡王男主VS美艳聪慧·口花花强悍女主xAxA排雷:①姐弟恋,男主比女主小两个月。xA②文内法力部分,属于男主的心机与动作,并无任何玄幻情节。xAxA本文将于9月13日入V,入V当日三更xA——————xA预收文《要来求亲的侯爷失忆了》文案:xAxA宁淮一觉醒来,失去了最近两年的记忆。xAxA他询问了自己最近要做的事后,果断叫停了自己的求亲计划。xAxA他可是要潜心修佛的男人,怎能沉迷女色,娶妻生子?!xAxA哪知从此之后,他今个儿看到了自己偷偷撰写的情诗,明儿个寻到了自己偷偷定制的一屋子女装,后儿个甚至无意翻到了以他和段蕴溪为主角的小黄文……xAxA宁淮:本侯的春心,当真动过?!xAxAxAxA步步心机,重重算计。xAxA小官之女段蕴溪终于从一众贵女中脱颖而出,攀上了宁远侯这根高枝,得到了他明日将去她家提亲的明示。xAxA她面上羞涩难当,内心欢欣鼓舞,欢欢喜喜归家,静待明日收局。xAxA结果天还没黑呢,就听闻宁远侯惊马受伤,一晕三日,醒后直接忘却了最近两年的记忆。xAxA小心算计谋划了两年的段蕴溪:……xAxA眼见着失忆后的宁远侯对她冷若冰霜,寒眉剑齿 >>

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