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Happy Ending

From NOIR: A rich, spoiled, successful, handsome man finds himself looking for something new in his life. Taking advice from his past lover, he seeks a roomate, an 'easy relationship'. However, instead of a glamorous, sexy, cute female... a MALE mistakenly shows up at his door..? (In full color)

Seikimatsu Tantei Kurabu

Seikimatsu Tantei Kurabu is dedicated to the very gay and very passionate love of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson. I suppose that it could even be called a doujinshi, since it's blatantly based on Conan Doyle's work, and many of his characters make appearances throughout the story. In fact, the main story is split into three sub-stories -- each one focusing on a different aspect of the Holmes/Watson relationship. The first story is titled Paris Fin de Siècle, and is a light-hearted introduction to our protagonists. There's a little fluff, a little humor, a sardonic reunion with Arsène Lupin, and a sexually charged scene of boot-licking. (Actual boot-licking. Not the metaphorical kind!) There are also fabulous kisses, cross-dressing criminals and unusual confessions. No smut so far, though. That comes later on. Oh, yes. The last two stories are based on actual Conan Doyle plots. The second story is based on and named after The Adventure of the Three Garridebs, and the third is similarly inspired by A Scandal in Bohemia. It's wonderful to see Conan Doyle re-interpreted through a yaoi mangaka's eyes! It's particularly rewarding to see Holmes undergo a paradigm shift after Watson is shot in The Three Garridebs; Holmes realizes that he can't take the good doctor for granted anymore, and that his old friend has become so much more than a friend to him.

Kuchibiru Kudasai

From Delish Scans: My dream of a fairy tale kiss, dashed.


From Tokyopop: Hideki's just like every other guy in the 22nd century. He just wants a good job, a good car, and a sexy robot girlfriend to call his own. Until he lands a job, he'll never be able to afford his own 'Persocom' companion. Hideki's luck changes when he discovers Chi--an adorable but seemingly 'stupid' Persocom--tied up in a pile of trash. His first robot companion turns out to be a lot more responsibility than he expected, and she gets him into quite a few embarrassing situations. It's 'boy-meets-girl' for the cyber age.

The Spearmaster and the Black Cat

The Spearmaster and the Black Cat summary: After a tear in reality pulls Kagari Shuya into a white room he discovers a futuristic interface for reincarnating in a different world. After looking through the different races and skills he unlocks a new race, Lucivault, a type of vampire with none of its characteristic weaknesses. All set to start his life in a new world, Shuya is confused to discover that he is enveloped in darkness. As it turns out something went wrong when he was transported and instead of appearing where he was supposed to, he appeared in an underground cave. Shuya faces untold dangers, runs for his life, before finding his way out of the underground world. After escaping he meets his Shishou and begins to learn to fight with a spear. There is also a cute black cat named Rollo.

Charlie Scott

Charlie Scott summary: Charlie Scott summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Charlie Scott. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Cinderella Innocent And Boss Charming

Cinderella Innocent And Boss Charming summary: Cinderella Innocent And Boss Charming summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Cinderella Innocent And Boss Charming. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Embers Ad Infinitum

Embers Ad Infinitum summary: In this latest work by Lord of the Mysteries author, Cuttlefish That Loves Diving, be prepared for a well-thought out and detailed apocalyptic, cyberpunk world with a setting superseding Lord of the Mysteries!
Our protagonist, Shang Jianyao, is crazy—literally crazy, at least that’s what the doctors said. Living in a huge, underground building of Pangu Biology, one of the few remaining factions in this apocalyptic wasteland known as the Ashlands, he acts in unfathomable ways that’s head-scratching, comical, and shrewd. So is he really crazy? Probably.
He has a grand dream: to save all of humanity.
Intricately tied to this dream is something everyone in the Ashlands believes in: Deep in a particular ruin buried away by danger and famine, a path leading to a new world awaits. To step into the new world, one only needs to find a special key and open that certain door.
There, the land is bountiful, as if milk and honey flows freely.
The sunlight is dazzling, as if all coldness and darkness are washed away.
The people will no longer have to face desolation, monsters, infections, mutations, and all kinds of dangers.
There, children are joyous, adults are happy, everything is fine as they are supposed to be.
Every Antiquarian, Ruin Hunter, and Historian roaming the Ashlands knows: That’s the New World.











简介《绝地天通》系列之《绝地天通 黄》:本篇讲述了附身于神秘男子摩泰坤身上的黄神为保护世界而继续战斗的故事!(每周二、周六更新)另,《绝地天通》漫画宇宙其它联动漫画——灰/黑/初/狐,剧情相对独立,偶有关联,无观看顺序,任意食用!欢迎加入官方交流QQ群:563351294










简介【尽量日更】 【微博@非影Q】大魔王艾拉威尔中了世界上最恶毒的法术后变成了少女,之后被卖到了海上夜总会……最终沦为兔女郎。然而故事才刚刚开始。










内容简介:凶神肆虐,魔物横行。九州动荡,危如累卵。在这将要碎灭的灾厄大世中,苏旭意外的发现自己可以抽取诸天万界的技能与装备。来来来,你说你的天魔心法很厉害,试试我的神象镇狱劲。啥,你的天龙九式无 敌天下?他化自在法了解一下。呵呵,什么狗屁斩神刀,连老子盔甲都打不破,还是尝尝我的诛仙剑吧。渐渐的,苏旭发现世界上没有什么事情是抽奖解决不了的,如果有,那就抽两下。1w0-39582 >>




内容简介:她是前朝的遗腹公主。她的父皇昏庸无道,强抢已为人妇的生母入宫。不想前朝覆灭,皇族男性全部处死。生母趁乱逃出皇宫后,发现身怀有孕,产下稚子,抛弃深山。本该命绝深山,不想偶遇生产母狼,母狼 母性大发,带回洞中。朝摇仙山,远近闻名,朝摇大师兄清尘途径此地,听闻传闻,心下好奇,自身闯入深山寻找‘怪物’,不想传闻中的怪物是个弃婴,清尘心生怜悯,带回怪物回到朝摇悉心教养。天意弄人,朝夕相处,暗生情愫。岂料仙1w0-45743 >>


内容简介:所有人都知道李颜爱贺南风,爱得不顾一切,飞蛾扑火,可是她的爱一直都没有回馈,她也会累。八年的时间,她放低姿态,甚至不要自尊的在他身边,只想让他看她一眼,得到的却从来都只是他的忽视。终于 李颜决定离开,可知道她要走的贺南风却慌了神……1w63800-83159 >>


内容简介:青年单(sh224n)明朗,一场车祸结束了他的生命,但他借尸还魂复活在一个女人的身体里,灵魂是自己的,意识是自己的,这样算是死了还是活了?单明朗自己也不知道,但是依然确定的是,他依然可 以生活在这个从未想要离开的世界上,虽然是别人的身体,但是他可以自由操控,可是他不知道这样的自己会有什么的人生……1w0-82870 >>


内容简介:【已完结。下本可能开《古代全能学霸》】本文文案:晚上看完一本穿越小说,再次醒来时却发现自己成为了这本小说里面的恶毒嫡女。庶出的女主会成为皇后,而她作为女配,会被皇上凌迟处死。好在故事才 刚刚开始第二卷,正是女配被人打晕卖了之时。而女配为了躲避被卖入青楼的命运,缠上了她的第一任丈夫。柳棠溪刚睁开眼,就发现以后会成为权倾朝野的大奸臣的男人正盯着她看。看着眼前这个虽身着粗布却气质清冷的男人,柳棠溪心中默念:不怕不怕。成了亲是权臣的妻子,和离了还是侯爷的嫡女。只要不作,怎么看都是躺赢的人生。1前期乡下种田,后期京城种田。2家长里短,温馨种田文,慢热。3女主有金手指。4完结文《种田使人发家致富》《权臣的不老娇妻》《王府遗珠》《侯府遗珠》《重生之娇女为后》《一世芳菲》等。5有防盗,订阅不足60,72小时后可看。接档文《将军的佛系娇妻》一觉醒来,顾蒹葭发现自己穿进了一本名叫《冷酷将军爱上我》的书里。男主是她的丈夫褚威冷,女主……不是她。作为男主的原配,她将会在男主外出打仗时红杏出墙。后来男主在战场上救了下一任皇上,官职一路飙升,从一个小兵成为大历朝战功赫赫的大将军。而她作为男主那个嫌贫爱富的原配,下场非常凄惨,即便是死了,还被人口诛笔伐。睁开眼看着面前破败的房屋,顾蒹葭稍微松了一口气。还好,她此时还在男主的老家中,一切都还来得及。既来之则安之。她只需多赚些钱,安心等着便是。等一年后女主出现,她就可以顺利跟男主和离,带着钱离开。然而,她等了一年又一年,等到褚威冷成了将军,孩子都生了两个了还是没等到那一日。1w0-29076 >>

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