Kokoro Kikai Read Online


Nejimaki No Niwa

Tucked away in the mountains and cut off from the rest of the world, Rosa Academy is your typical boarding school... at least on the surface. Like most schools, it has its share of urban legends. But, as Raum and his friends—Tulli, Yan, and Karel—are to find out, there is more to Rosa Academy's legends than meets the eye...


Set in a mythological time and place, Ja-Dou recounts the struggles of the heirs to kingdoms of heaven and their comrades, to repel the demonic forces that sometimes make their way into heaven. Ashray is the son of the Flame Emperor, small for his age, and cursed with a fiery temper. He also has to hide the fact that he has a horn, a trait usually associated with demons. His father keeps appointing assistants to keep an eye on him, but keeping up with Ashray is hard work, and the first six have died in the line of duty. Can Alan Seoul, his newly appointed seventh assistant, last a little longer than the first six? Teiou is a prince of the eastern kingdom of air. His best friend and lover is Keika, a mazoku, or demon, in human form. Tiarandear, is the Prince of the western kingdom of water. As chief of all the gods it is his job to maintain harmony in heaven and to direct and control human history. He loves Ashray, but how long can he keep protecting Ashray from the consequences of his violent temper? And if it should become known across heaven that Ashray might be part demon? (For some reason, halfway into the 2nd volume there still is no mention of the northern prince.)

Zero No Shiniki

Kanzaki Rei is an avid gamer, but one day he hit rock-bottom due to his debts. During the night while sleeping, a strange phenomenon happened and sent him inside the game he previously played. A world of life and death awaits.

Kokoro Kikai

A short story about schoolboys love....This kind of makes you feel alive.

The Gueguence A Comedy Ballet in the Nahuatl-Spanish Dialect of Nicaragua

The Gueguence A Comedy Ballet in the Nahuatl-Spanish Dialect of Nicaragua summary: The Gueguence A Comedy Ballet in the Nahuatl-Spanish Dialect of Nicaragua summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Gueguence A Comedy Ballet in the Nahuatl-Spanish Dialect of Nicaragua. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Roots of the Mountains

The Roots of the Mountains summary: The Roots of the Mountains summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Roots of the Mountains. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Expositions of Holy Scripture: St. Luke

Expositions of Holy Scripture: St. Luke summary: Expositions of Holy Scripture: St. Luke summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Expositions of Holy Scripture: St. Luke. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Strategist Knows Everything

The Strategist Knows Everything summary: Kurei Yukito made a wish on the verge of dying. In his next life, he would like to become someone who can understand other people.
However, the next time Yukito woke up, he had been reincarnated to a different world in the midst of war. Moreover, he was granted a cheat skill as a result of misunderstanding his last wish.
He was picked up by the rebel Prince, worked as the go-between of messengers from other countries and did his best to talk to them despite his poor social skills. Yukito desperately lived in this different world in order to accomplish his dying wish.
In this world where wars are common, hints of war gradually crept up to Yukito…
















简介唐僧悟空师徒四人被陷害,魂飞魄散,他们的灵魂到达另外一个世界,其中悟空的灵魂附身在一个男屌丝学生身上。师徒四人一方面躲避同样到达这个世界的神秘势力的追杀,一面想方设法回到原来的世界,走完取经的最后一程…… 欢迎关注《狠西游》微博:@狠西游,微信公众号:henxiyou,官方QQ群:271760962








简介小涂和小糊开了一家专门处理灵异事件的事务所,却卷进一个大案中!这是一个萌妹与御姐齐飞,帅哥与变态共存的世界! QQ一群425164255,二群:375347145,三群:91922440。


类别都市 恋爱 生活








内容简介:幼时,她被母亲推下悬崖,九死一生;长大后,她对辰王交付身心,武功尽废……她抱着爱情的憧憬,时刻准备着,迎接即将得到的幸福……谁知,她魔宫宫主的神秘身份偶然暴露,一纸休书痛斩情缘——一个 不愿放开心魔的男人,和一个不屑解释真相的女人,就此擦肩而过。为情所伤的她,从此封心断情……她坚韧,却不固执;她冷漠,却不无情;她绝色,却不妖媚;她重爱,却不矫情……她于深宫中从不争宠,却宠冠六宫;她屡遭后妃暗算,被卷入政权争斗之中……她被亲人伤害,被爱人误解;她的左右二婢惨死,她的腹中胎儿流逝……在经历一系列苦难后,身中蛊毒,命不久矣的她,内心却始终保留着一丝柔软。1w0-72142 >>


内容简介:今日头条“国服第一女玩家红尘再度斩获世界冠军!”“震惊!引动天地异象的神器竟在她手中?”“国战女武神率领机械军团捣毁惊天阴谋!”“……”楚风懒洋洋的翻着新闻,头也不回道“老婆!你又双叒 叕上头条啦……等等?最终版本魔王即将来袭?老婆你去搞定他,我先把衣服收了!”……这是个主角靠着抱大腿吃软饭(伪)走上人生巅峰的故事。1w0-25395 >>


内容简介:“陛下不好了!下凡捉妖的天兵天将全被打趴了!”“陛下大喜事!狱神出手了,妖怪都被打趴了!”“陛下不好了!狱神突然收手……他跑路了!”“酉时了,他…下班了!”玉帝气得拍了拍龙辇,并且在极 度愤怒的情况下愤怒了三天三夜…三界出了个朝九晚五的楚大佬,从此画风变了。刚破封的罗睺:三界什么时候出了这么一个猛人?我差点被锤爆!西1w5699-81635 >>


内容简介:la——————————————————————————在现代,一对小夫妻,上班超过12个小时,睡觉不超过5个小时,存款不过4位数,吃饭总离不开快餐盘,想起结婚就害怕,想起买房就心慌, 想起生孩子就想跳楼。在大唐,一对小夫妻,做点小生意,赚点小银子,偶尔还当个小干部,家里还能请个小保姆,房子朝廷有的分,孩子想生多少都没事,不交保险不交税,生活乐逍遥。——————————————一部唐朝的种田升级文;一部积极乐观的宝宝养成计划;一部健康向上的家庭拉风生活篇。这里没有成王、成霸;这里没有种马、阴谋;这里更没有政治、篡党;这里仅仅只有幸福、温馨和无比护短的小两口子。强推期间一日二到三更,每更以后皆是如此,欢迎阅读,希望给您在炎热的夏日带来一丝清凉,阅读前冰啤酒、冰可乐都准备好,嘻嘻1w0-82357 >>


内容简介:  南宝衣自幼锦衣玉食娇养长大,没想到所嫁非人,落了个家破人亡的凄惨下场。  重活一世,她咬着小手帕,暗搓搓盯上了府里那位卑贱落魄的养子。  只有她知道,看似落魄的少年,终将前程锦绣, 权倾天下。  她一改娇蛮跋扈,对未来的权臣温顺谦卑百般奉承,可惜他如高岭之花,始终对她爱答不理。  她终于心灰意冷打算另抱大腿,那凶名赫赫的权臣,突然雷厉风行地废了她选中的夫君,还倚在绣榻上,慵懒地朝她伸出腿,“娇娇过来,二哥给你抱……”  【1v1,双洁,甜宠】1w0-755 >>

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