A Certain Around 30's Delusions Read Online


Under Grand Hotel - Kiss & Kill

[From Nakama] 30 meters underground, a prison where escape is impossible; the United States penitentiary, “The Underground Hotel”. Only the people who enjoy living in this place, a life cut off from the sun, call it by another name: “The Under Grand Hotel”. Absorbed in pleasure-seeking sex, the shut-call, Erie (leader of the prisoners) isn’t watching the men he’s raping each night, but rather one man alone. Norman. Norman, who keeps trying to harm himself as a result of trauma, the kind doctor who cares for him, Van, and Erie, who’s falling into a brutal love that’s more akin to hatred… What will happen when these various feelings are made to intertwine into a closed-off world? From storyteller Sadahiro Mika, the long-awaited, mature love story of the “Under Grand Hotel” begins!

Seikimatsu Boy's

While running to her new school in the morning of her first day, Marimo has an encounter with three guys from her school, that leave her a strange pack. Later on, in her class, the three guys appear again and kidnap her! Marimo is very scared until she realizes that they want the pack again... as it happens, they are the members of one of the school clubs... a club dedicated enterely to Kero-chans and their merchandise! (These are that typical cute Japanese green frog....) Marimo enters the club and starts to fall for the leader, but this, of course, is only the start of the fun....

Dhaldot No Akujiki Musume

In Dhaldot, a rural town located in eastern Europe, two kinds of people coexist together.

A Certain Around 30's Delusions

Kasai Rena is a hard-working office girl with a peculiar interest she hides from everyone...

Battle Of Ascension

Battle Of Ascension summary: Humans are trying to overcome crisis that occurred on Earth, but all effort become futile. When human face dead end and can only wait for the destruction of the earth, suddenly there voice ringing to the whole earth Ding !!! 'Phase 1 Battle of Ascension: Preparation, begin!' Ding !!! 'Battle System will active after phase 1 started'

Grimgal of Ashes and Illusion

Grimgal of Ashes and Illusion summary: Before Haruhiro had realized what happened, he was surrounded by darkness. Why was he here?
Where was here? Even now, he still doesn’t know. Those around him were the same as him, no one remembered anything other than their own names. And when they emerged from the darkness, the world that awaited them seemed like something out of a videogame.
In order to survive, Haruhiro forms a party with the others, learns fighting skills, and as a soldier in the reserve force, takes his first steps into the world of Grimgal. What awaits him there, he doesn’t know…
This the story of an adventure born from the ashes.

The Song Of Spirits

The Song Of Spirits summary: In the Tang Dynasty, demons and spirits fought and made trouble. Wars waged and people suffered. While hiding with the spirits, he was captured by the demons and enslaved. How could he become a savior and slay all the demons? He was living with the spirits, but in love with a demon? How could he change prejudices and make people understand his love? Let’s see how Ye Ye defeated the demons and won the world!


Covenant summary: Daimon (Covenant 0.5) 'Love in my world usually ended up with someone hearing 'I smite thee! ' as she was cursed to be some lame flower for the rest of her life.'For three years, Alexandria has lived among mortals--pretending to be like them and trying to forget the duty she 'd been trained to fulfill as a child of a mortal and a demiG.o.d. At seventeen, she 's pretty much accepted that she 's a freak by mortal standards... and that she 'll never be prepared for that duty.According to her mother, that 's a good thing.But as every descendant of the G.o.ds knows, Fate has a way of rearing her ugly head. A horrifying attack forces Alex to flee Miami and try to find her way back to the very place her mother had warned her she should never return-the Covenant. Every step that brings her closer to safety is one more step toward death... because she 's being hunted by the very creatures she 'd once trained to kill.The daimons have found her.































内容简介:太阳系毁灭后,逃出来的人们在南门二重建了文明,新文明中,陈景辉抽选成为移民遥远星系的移民执行者者,等他的星舰抵达那里时,却发现那里竟然也有一个人类文明,他们中还有掌握超自然能力的存在。 诡异的力量,照进现实的梦中,纷乱的土地……陈景辉的星舰抵达了这样的星球。1w0-27073 >>




内容简介:既然天看不见我,那么从此我的眼中也不再有天!一块神秘的黑色石头带着他走出了十万大山,靠着一次次觉醒,不断变强,走上了武道的巅峰。这里有武者与修真者之间的宿命之战,这里有人与妖兽之间的立 场之战,这里有时代与时代之间的碰撞之战!纵使红尘万丈,烟花易冷,我心不变!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《真镜》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-64622 >>


内容简介:第一世,他是死在了手术台上的幸村精市。第二世,他生活的世界有部动漫叫做《网球王子》。第三世,也就是现在,他再度降生成为幸村精市。神之子?不,我要升格成神。亲情友情爱情荣耀剧情为主,感1 w0-105976 >>


内容简介:  【正文已完结~番外中】一屋两人三餐四季小甜饼【1】娱乐圈著名花瓶相宜,被全网黑之后,突然宣布:自个儿要回家种田了。众黑粉:嘻嘻,活该。翌日,星辰APP开始直播相宜的田园生活。咦,顶 尖律师为什么来吃饭了?咦,医学博士为什么来养鸡了?咦,知名设计师为什么来染布了?咦,电竞大神为什么来装秋千了?什么?你是她哥?你也是她哥?你还是她哥??!万众瞩目中,大满贯影帝时绥空降节目现场,众黑粉弱弱在公屏打字:你…你也是她哥哥吗?时影帝从容不迫捏了把相宜小脸蛋,淡定道:我是她老公。众黑粉:笑不出来.jpg【2】惊!影帝时绥换小助理了!还要和对方一起拍种田综艺?!女友粉妈妈粉事业粉捶胸顿足:娇娇弱弱一花瓶,到底谁照顾谁?!肯定是想炒CP的心机女!直播第二天,粉丝们看着素颜绝美的少女,从锅里淡定捞出一盆热气腾腾的麻辣小龙虾,一个个眼泪不争气地从嘴角流了出来,骂骂咧咧点起了外卖。直播第十天,粉丝们边往嘴里塞饭边控诉:能不能炒炒CP别炒菜啦!胖五斤了都!小花瓶求求你和我们哥哥/儿子/崽崽锁死一辈子吧!【//星河滚烫,不如来碗麻辣烫】【//掉马甲+甜宠撩+美食+治愈+日常】1w0-1866 >>


内容简介:每晚九点更新,有事会请假云苒穿到修真界后,从小修士一路成为一宗之主,在她飞升之际,回到了以前的世界。在这,她是给真千金挡灾抵命的假千金。面对虚情假意的养父母,她微微一笑,不好意思,这个 假千金她不当了。离开宋家的云苒,在大学城周围支起了一家小吃摊。养父母知道后,笃定吃不了苦的她,一定会哭着求着回宋家。事与愿违,云苒迟迟不肯回来,养父母急了,带着亲生女儿,一起上门查看情况。发现云苒早就摆1w0-96289 >>

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