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The Rostical Users

RPG inspired story follows unlikely 'heroes' to stop the Consultant's wicked plans! The six book series follows young adults living their ordinary, boring lives until certain 'events' occur at the arrival of 'Sceldrant's Comet'. Our heroes suddenly get transported to a world of 'Rostical' and need to find a way back home! Unfortunately, the warriors and the Consultants won't allow that to happen! Our heroes explore uncharted sanctums known as the Unknown Territories, each with an ancient glyph at the end. The Consultants have been activating these glyphs, one by one. The secret behind the glyphs are currently unknown.

Petite! Tenorikuma

Tenorikuma is a shoujo gag manga about a girl named Kokoa-chan and her dad, opening up a new coffee shop called, Tenorikuma. The employees at Tenorikuma Coffee are Kokoa-chan, her dad, and 4 centimeter tall bears (Chai, Latte, Maple, Frap, and Macchiato). These little guys may be small, but they're caring, and hard workers. Join them in their adventures of working at the Tenorikuma Coffee shop! from PocketScans

Chameleon Jail

'Risk hunters' are professionals who handle jobs considered too tough for normal law enforcement, such as kidnappings, combating terrorism, and preventing murders. One man who stands above them all however is the legendary Chameleon Jail, who has the ability to manipulate his 'kara' or internal human body energy in order to physically change his appearance into that of any other person. Throughout the series, he pursues several assignments on behalf of various clients given to him by Shall, a woman who runs a detective agency in New York City. All difficult, the successful completion of these assignments hinges on Jail's ability to change his appearance when the time is right.


From MangaHelpers: After 10 years of training, two young shape-shifting dog ninja are told that they're ready to be tested in the field. They find their new owner, Mitsuyoshi, who takes them in on the assumption that they are simply lost doggies. He gives them new names--'Hanzou' and 'Hadzuki.' The two dog ninja are supposed to protect him from any other demons, but they must not let him learn his new dogs' true identities. Unfortunately, Mitsuyoshi met Hadzuki in her human form very early on, when she rescued him from a couple of demons. Now she's got to keep her human and dog relationship with Mitsuyoshi separate, something not made easier by constant demon threats and her growing attraction to him. [tethysdust]

A Sketch Of What You Mean To Me

A Sketch Of What You Mean To Me summary: A Sketch Of What You Mean To Me summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Sketch Of What You Mean To Me. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Steward Demonic Emperor

The Steward Demonic Emperor summary: Zhuo Yifan was the Demon Emperor. One day, he managed to lay his hands on an ancient emperor’s book, the Nine Serenities Secret Records. As the book was coveted by many, he was targeted by experts and was even betrayed by his student.
After his pa.s.sing, his soul took over another’s body. Brought back to life, in the body of a family servant named Zhuo Fan. Because of the regrets of the boy, which Zhuo Fan inherited, he was forced to serve the boy’s mistress.
Just how can he lead this descending family to the pinnacle of this continent?!

The Adventures of a Widow

The Adventures of a Widow summary: The Adventures of a Widow summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Adventures of a Widow. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Godly Farmer Doctor: Arrogant Husband, Can't Afford To Offend!

Godly Farmer Doctor: Arrogant Husband, Can't Afford To Offend! summary: What the heck? She, a famous doctor from the 23rd century, turned into a village peasant girl of a different world!
Her grandmother was cruel and vicious. Her aunt was very mean. So, to have a meal and clothing every day, she, a famous doctor had to pull up her sleeves to do farm work, treat patients, and abuse the bullies!
What? Grandmother need money for her illness? Cousin has no money to get a wife? Cousin needs to borrow money for his studies?
Roll! Roll as far as the history can go!


'钟炼将实习记者何如送至废弃商场,调查异象,对方却误入鬼门,释放其中千年执念。幸而钟炼义弟谢皓及时赶来,并变身为无常幻装,暂时退敌。 为阻止敌人的巨大野心,钟炼需取得先人留下的馗甲幻装,并通过八方历练,使伏魔之力完全觉醒。 可是,在这场围绕着“执念”的骚动中,所有人又将何去何从……'












曾经青梅竹马的一对,四年后意外在大学校园中邂逅。 都说是,人生若只如初见……初恋之花,真能结出美好的果实吗?


















内容简介:【已完结。下本可能开《古代全能学霸》】本文文案:晚上看完一本穿越小说,再次醒来时却发现自己成为了这本小说里面的恶毒嫡女。庶出的女主会成为皇后,而她作为女配,会被皇上凌迟处死。好在故事才 刚刚开始第二卷,正是女配被人打晕卖了之时。而女配为了躲避被卖入青楼的命运,缠上了她的第一任丈夫。柳棠溪刚睁开眼,就发现以后会成为权倾朝野的大奸臣的男人正盯着她看。看着眼前这个虽身着粗布却气质清冷的男人,柳棠溪心中默念:不怕不怕。成了亲是权臣的妻子,和离了还是侯爷的嫡女。只要不作,怎么看都是躺赢的人生。1前期乡下种田,后期京城种田。2家长里短,温馨种田文,慢热。3女主有金手指。4完结文《种田使人发家致富》《权臣的不老娇妻》《王府遗珠》《侯府遗珠》《重生之娇女为后》《一世芳菲》等。5有防盗,订阅不足60,72小时后可看。接档文《将军的佛系娇妻》一觉醒来,顾蒹葭发现自己穿进了一本名叫《冷酷将军爱上我》的书里。男主是她的丈夫褚威冷,女主……不是她。作为男主的原配,她将会在男主外出打仗时红杏出墙。后来男主在战场上救了下一任皇上,官职一路飙升,从一个小兵成为大历朝战功赫赫的大将军。而她作为男主那个嫌贫爱富的原配,下场非常凄惨,即便是死了,还被人口诛笔伐。睁开眼看着面前破败的房屋,顾蒹葭稍微松了一口气。还好,她此时还在男主的老家中,一切都还来得及。既来之则安之。她只需多赚些钱,安心等着便是。等一年后女主出现,她就可以顺利跟男主和离,带着钱离开。然而,她等了一年又一年,等到褚威冷成了将军,孩子都生了两个了还是没等到那一日。1w0-29076 >>


内容简介:    一直倒霉的叶玄意外的得到了一套能够让他进入梦幻世界历练修行的幻梦系统,在《黄飞鸿》中学习武术;在《赌圣》中学习赌术、异能;在《生化危机》中与丧尸共舞;在《灵幻先生》中与九叔一起 打僵尸;在《笑傲江湖》中纵横嬉戏;在《环太平洋》中驾驶机甲打怪兽;在《死神来了》中与死神斗智斗勇;在《风云》中获取长生不死  还有《变形金刚》、还有《复仇者联盟》、还有《蜀山》,还有《大话西游》……无尽的梦幻世界,无尽的幻想,在层层的枷锁中解开系统的束缚,还得真我自在逍遥……  PS:本书属慢热文,不喜勿入,谢谢!群号:76449097  1w0-609 >>




内容简介:温然穿进了一本书,死后竟又在书中复生。然而,她玩过的游戏变成了现实。她那把令无数人眼红的全服第一武器黄金锤,在现实里威力不减,能敲爆一个山头。女主绞尽脑汁和boss周旋,她一锤解决。女 主拼尽全力和反派相杀,她一锤解决。女主辛苦筹划却无法扳倒的恶毒女配,她一锤解决。开局就无敌怎么办QAQ要优雅,不能狂。温然收起黄金锤,伪装成花瓶女配,老老实实上学,过着被女主打脸的平静校园生活。不料有一天,有个视频在网上火了。画面里,弱小可怜又无助的花瓶温然正扛着黄金锤,追着SSS级危险boss满地跑。吃瓜网友:???(自以为温柔甜软实则扮猪吃老虎的佛系大佬x秒天秒地无所不能的反派oss)——1,每天三更,定时在每晚21:002,据说这是本满足强强现代校园扮猪吃老虎女扮男装直播灵异狗血各种元素的沙雕文,画风清奇,作者君已经彻底放飞自我3,女主很强,吊打剧情的那种强,男主无敌,秒天秒地的那种无敌,甜爽路线以上,口味一致的话可以翻我专栏,更多完结文供你挑选!推基友文:《冒牌愿望店》by腊七小雪各位书友要是觉得我很高产最新小说作品《伪装花瓶女配失败以后》还不错的话可以通过下面网址复制分享给您的朋友哦!无弹窗阅读地址收藏:1w0-75170 >>





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