Youhen Nibelungen No Yubiwa Read Online


Shiawase Cook

Contain numerous of oneshots. [From Attractive Fascinante]: 1) Happy Cook - Chef Nakasawa saves Tokiya from trouble and ends up teaching him how to cook. But is it only cooking that Nakasawa will be teaching? 2) Straight Mind - Incoming freshman Kasuga has always won any fight he has been in, until he meets the elusive Tougou. Kasuga wants nothing more than to meet Tougou again and fight, but he is told to stay from Tougou. It seems that Tougou is the chief director's son, and a previous student was expelled for hurting Tougou. Can Kasuga stay away? Will Tougou allow anyone to get close to him again? 3) Happy Place - Stray dog... stray uke... Does it really make a difference? 4) My One-Side Love - Kazuki is a game programmer who collects adult toys. He's also been in love with his neighbor Masato for ten years. When Masato asks Kazuki to teach him how to use a computer, will the time they spend together be all work and no play? 5) Restriction - Tsukasa may look scary with his piercings and blond hair, but the straitlaced head of the disciplinary committee is the frightening one! He ruthlessly uses Tsukasa who's trapped! But sempai will graduate in a year, then Tsukasa will be free, right? 6) Special Lunch - We go back to our original couple from ch 1 and a new type of dinner date.

Akatsuki No Aria

From Shogakukan: The time is the Taisho Era. Eventful young days of Aria who wants to become a pianist are portrayed in this saga of love, passion, and music. From StarryHeaven: The era is the Taisho period (1912-1926). Kaibara Aria, who wishes to become a pianist, takes the examination to become a preparatory student at the Tokyo School of Music. The passion in her playing overwhelms her surroundings, like a ripple on the surface of water. It was then that Aria had an encounter with the son of the Nishimikado noble family, Natsuo, and learns and shocking truth... The youth of the maiden blessed by the god of music in this stream of musical romance!

Sakurairo No Tsumeato

From Evil Flowers: Mika loves her teacher and one day she gets the chance to confess only to be rejected, but that doesn't stop her from pursuing this forbidden love.

Youhen Nibelungen No Yubiwa

The story is set in a world were gods control the heavens, giants the earth, and nibelung (a strange looking race) the underground. The main character (Sigurd) wanting to learn what fear is makes his entrance during a battle between the (almost extinct) humans and giants. Things weren't looking good until he pulls out a broken sword that scares even the giants. At the same time, a goddess descends along with a meteor shower. What is the importance of the broken sword who can only be fixed by 'the fool without fear'? What's the mission of the goddess on earth?

I Raised Cinderella Preciously

I Raised Cinderella Preciously summary: I Raised Cinderella Preciously summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of I Raised Cinderella Preciously. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Erewhon; Or, Over the Range

Erewhon; Or, Over the Range summary: Erewhon; Or, Over the Range summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Erewhon; Or, Over the Range. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Epitome Series: The Path To Be A SUPER FAMOUS

Epitome Series: The Path To Be A SUPER FAMOUS summary: Nathan Ford is a normal high school student who has an ambition to be a WORLD FAMOUS person. He also have the hobby of reading novels, manga and watching animes.One night when he is strolling around aimlessly, he had witnessed a crime that will change and turned his life upside down, An event that will make him who is a lizard to be a soaring dragon, starting from there, normal is no more.An...

Incognita; Or, Love and Duty Reconcil'd

Incognita; Or, Love and Duty Reconcil'd summary: Incognita; Or, Love and Duty Reconcil'd summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Incognita; Or, Love and Duty Reconcil'd. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.










简介传闻存在着一个集合着社会各界知名人士的神秘组织——杀道会。每个杀道会的核心成员,都拥有匪夷所思的超能力,他们是超级杀手,也是至高道义实行者。 【更新频率:每周三、周五更新~】






















内容简介:【2020轻小说巨作】【黑暗反派文风向标】【QQ阅读二组签约作品】程栎因为大学考试周期间,沉迷于斗罗大陆不能自拔。在裸考的前一个小时,竟然穿越了,而且还成为了武魂殿的圣子。杀玉小刚、斩 七怪、灭唐三,一路下来,程栎终于发现,他才是真正的主角!本文冷血有脑,无脑黑别进。书友群8331025541w0-34266 >>


内容简介:【预收文:我养的凶兽萌萌哒,求收。】【空口鉴抄,不带盘的的人请自觉爬,自己过来找骂就别怪作者口吐芬芳】【本文文案】末世后,纯人类彻底灭亡,而一些融合了兽人基因的人类承载着人类的希望陷入 沉睡。数百年后,安然从长眠中醒来。眼睛睁开的一瞬间,巨大的虎爪从天而降,“吼吼,崽,你终于醒啦!”安然:?她在自己都不知道情况下,一脸懵逼的成为两只老虎的崽崽,再加上一个还在幼年期毛绒绒的哥哥,一家四口艰难的行走在凶兽横行的末世中。没办法了——为了更好的生活安然抖抖自己的耳朵,甩甩尾巴,毅然而然的站出来,带着大家搞基建。房屋建筑走起来!粮食种田走起来!合伙狩猎走起来!……如斯残忍的末世中,弱小的兽人是食物链的底层,而在安然的带领下,他们终于有了立身的一席之地,逐渐走向强大。PS:虎妈后出现,文章所有环境设定全部私设【我养的凶兽萌萌哒文案】作为皇族的烟云兽武力高超,是帝国的守护神,然而他们性情暴躁,高高在上,没有人敢靠近。奉命养兽的皇族护理人黑萌萌内心紧张,做足了心里建设。然而,她看着眼前这一个个撒娇打滚的毛绒绒陷入了深思,这是烟云兽吗?不会是假冒的…吧?某天,皇族直播开启了,所有人等大了双眼打算一览皇族的风采。然而,一只毛绒绒细声细气的叫着撒娇,一只毛绒绒围着黑萌萌不断转圈。在他们震惊的目光下,一只大的毛绒绒走过来,亲昵的蹭着黑萌萌,目光柔和的看着她,翻身露出自己的肚皮求抚摸。所有人倒吸一口凉气,这不是他们英勇神武,冷淡自持的太子殿下吗?妖女,你施展了什么魔法!对此,黑萌萌埋进毛绒绒肚皮里满足的吸了一口。毕竟,她有特殊的吸猫体质。1w0-77937 >>


内容简介:周三一月二十五号入V,家连载绿皮唧,盗文者顿顿吃鲱鱼罐头喝洗脚水满脸长腿毛。(西皮:晋衡×秦艽,不要逆西皮不要逆西皮不要逆西皮。)姓师,是一种我国民间极少被人提及的古老职业。传说每一个 姓氏都蕴藏了一种属于古老氏族的天赋,而只要拥有了这种姓氏便相当于拥有这个姓氏的能力。据全国第二十八次人口姓氏普查显示,在中国目前有超过一万三千六十个姓氏。那你知道……自己的姓氏在过去曾代表了什么?注意:姓师是一种职业。万家姓传统文化科普文。西皮:晋锁阳×秦艽,高贵冷艳瘸腿攻×邪魅狷狂神经病受,双主线不要逆西皮,一个残疾的我拯救一个有病的你的故事,谢谢配合。1w0-77280 >>




内容简介:“你今天要不去相亲就给老娘滚出这个家,别整天跟个大蛆一样不咬人膈应人,浪费咱家粮食!”一位妇人一脚踢开房门,扯着嗓门对着床上的儿子开骂。猫在被窝里长毛的肖尧,一脸生无可恋,毫无底气的碎 碎念,“妈,我才22,就让我去相亲真的好呀?”“老娘管你多大,你刘姨说了,那闺女温柔娴淑,貌美如花,人见人爱……今天你要是不把人家姑本书关键词:都市生活都市系统刑侦《我22,老妈逼我相亲,却被相亲对象抓了》小说推荐:从林正英世界开始修道、梦幻西游:我能看见收益、盗墓:开局成为发丘天官、星际之亡灵帝国、混沌效应:撕裂末日、日常系影视世界、我的天赋是无敌、火影:开局掳走日向雏田、忍界神话:最强砂隐、神级插班生、茅山关门弟子、锦衣娘子、女总裁的超级兵王、尸妻难缠、糊你一脸白月光快穿、横滨coser说穿就穿、校花之贴身高手、武极帝主、子夜十、跨物种相亲、秋以为期、我的夫人竟是魔教教主、大天师、受何苦为难受(GL)、真千金不干啦、西游:从平乱花果山开始!、子夜十顶点、那个被我活埋的人、三界狂徒、姐姐领进门:掌权1w41533-82463 >>


内容简介:【消耗1000灵石,开始修仙模拟。】20岁,你对美女表白,被拒绝。21岁,你被情敌追杀,饮恨西北。【模拟结束:不该有的心,不要有。】……若干年后。“兄弟,听说悦心楼开业,一起去看看吧。 ”“等会,我先打个坐。(模拟一下)”【消耗1000灵石,开始修仙模拟。】……《我的修仙模拟器》《我可以无限修仙模拟》1w0-88568 >>

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